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About Zextra

  • Birthday November 5

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  1. It's fun to stop by here once in a blue moon and see how things are doing. Quite well, by the looks of it~


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Atypical-Abbie


      It has a way of bringing you back

    3. The Nyx Avatar

      The Nyx Avatar

      Hey there! Do you see me?


    4. Zextra


      Nice to see some familiar names! Hope everyone's doing well! :)

  2. Wow, this place has changed a lot in the past 4 years...

    1. Northern Sage

      Northern Sage

      A server switch will do that.

    2. Atypical-Abbie


      Sure has, but some people are still around.

    3. Zextra


      I can see. Several old names that I still recognize~

  3. Hi Sakura, it's been quite a while. Hope you've been well! :)

  4. @Zextra Hope you come back soon xD

    1. Zextra


      Hi there, I've been a bit busier recently so I haven't been online much. Good to hear from you though :)

  5. You know, you should totally join my card contest. :P

    1. Zextra


      I'm not so sure that would be a good idea. I haven't played the game in nearly two years, and not competitively since about 4 years ago :p

  6. ZEXTRA!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zextra


      Nope, done with that. I'm free for the timebeing :p

    3. Zextra


      ...well, slightly freer anyways xD

    4. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      Glad to hear that: you spent practically an eternity there. XD

      I just went from Linfield to Portland State as the former doesn't have a graduate program.

      And slightly freer? Found a 9-5?

  7. I've got some 4IV/Imperfect 5IV Feebas breedjects with Egg Moves in a Beast Ball if anyone is interested :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Flash Flyer - Sakura

      Flash Flyer - Sakura

      Enjoy the Lycanroc (hopefully you did enough trials so you can control it).

    3. Zextra


      I've finished the main game, so I can control it; thank you! I actually used a Midnight Lycanroc throughout my playthrough. But I'm now holding off on catching the Ultra Beasts for a while to focus on breeding~

    4. Flash Flyer - Sakura

      Flash Flyer - Sakura

      The UBs are relatively easy to capture (well, Kartana was literally "throw Beast Ball turn 1 and get free Grass/Steel glass cannon"; others were more/less 1-2 balls with some weakening).

  8. Would anybody with Pokemon Sun be willing to trade me a female Alolan Vulpix?

  9. Caught a shiny Fluffal today. I was not considering using Bewear for my playthrough, but now I'm rethinking...

  10. Does anyone here actually still play Pokemon Go? :p

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Snatch Steal

      Snatch Steal

      When I wake up, I'm grabbing my phone

      I wanna catch em all

    3. The Nyx Avatar

      The Nyx Avatar

      I gave it, but I have yet to play it.

    4. epicmemesbro


      I wonder if I will experience this "courtship" ordeal if I confess my feelings to a qt Muslim I like.

  11. Decided to start a Pokemon Insurgence Egglocke playthrough this week. Procrastination at its finest...

    1. BT 


      Lol if it were me I would procrastinate playing Pokemon xD

  12. (っ◕‿◕)っWelp, I guess I found my way back...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow
    3. Zextra


      So I noticed. But it was well deserved on my part, so I don't blame them. :p

    4. Zextra
  13. You must be a ghost these days.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      Better lurk TCG then.

    3. Zextra


      Yup...my favorite place ever

    4. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      I need to catch up on my theory too, but I think conversation does better for me than lurking.

  14. Got 2 boxes of SHVI wanting to pull BE Twin Burst and BE Spirit Dragon. Pulled neither, but ended up with a Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries and a Kozmoll Dark Witch. Don't how I feel, really :o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vla1ne


      you could easily trade those for the two cards you want.

    3. Catman25


      wanted to pull anything but the blue eyes and amorphage secrets, pulled them both

    4. Βyakuya


      Reaper & Dark Lady >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BE stuff (until Felgrand comes)

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