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Sleepy last won the day on March 15

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About Sleepy

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  • Birthday 08/28/1990

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    -Drawing (feel free to visit my club "Le Crayon Corner")

    -Card games (mostly Yugioh but I try to have at least a taste of others I come across. Included but not limited to: Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, Bleach, Naruto, My Little Pony, Cardfight Vanguard, Force of Will, Card Wars)

    -Here's where I'd put music but like, I'm not gonna list something so vaguely broad... we'll see if it ever pops up in a chat xD

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  1. It's that time of the month again xD The time in which I post whatever doodles I have at hand to avoid getting the club archived. Got other works undergoing but yeah, this will do for now xD
  2. I stop checking this place for just a few days and suddenly the 7000 ish members needed to reach the million get past the goal? The bots are strong in this one.

  3. The way YCMaker has not popped up once since the "Tyranny of Inches" thread and refused to acknowledge anything here at all tells me that either: -He is not at all watching out for the site so his rule against linking directly to the other site will not be enforced. -He'll come in and ban those among us that posted the links during his absence but will have to come out of hiding for that. Probably a win win at this point. I'll stick to this place as long as I can because memories and members I can only seemingly find on this side, plus visiting members of old... but I'm also always lurking over there. I want more people at NCM into the card game and drawing stuffs if possible though xD
  4. y-yeah, let's be shameless while this lasts. NCM link:

    I need more people that share my particular interests over there to really get more active, but regardless something that is forever true is that there's useful and active staff and admin over there and has a much better infrastructure.

    YCM at this point will only last until the corrupting code and suffocating bots allow it to so please go over there to have another meeting point in case things go south over here.

    No staff besides the admin himself would really be willing to shoot this post down and he's been apparently offline since "the tyranny of inches". If this post gets axed we'll know the status of this situation xD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      That is why I wanted the New Card Maker on this site to become Open Source. 

      Anyways Social Media is garbage its highly overrated its and every goddamn time I hear about stupid social media its always drama and something to do with one of these three things.

      1. Politics
      2. Art or VTuber Drama
      3. Anime Hate Attacks/Drama

      Besides the three above things I mentioned there is always AI Slop Feasts out there *cough* *cough* like this site has everyday, stupid highly targeted garbage algorithms which do I even need to explain YouTube, X, Facebook and other Bullshit Social Medias have this problem, next to it is targeted ads and personal data collection and selling of that personal data which is just bullshit how is this still allowed!?, and everything now a days just feels like the same old garbage recycle stuff and not in a good way *cough* *cough* Mr. Beast god I despise that guy he ruined an entire platform plus his controversies.

      Yeah I just ranted the I feel we need forums and other interesting sites that aren't the same 5 or 10 Fucking Centralized Websites owned by the big nasty corporations. 

      When I finally decided to become a member of this site back in the end December 2020 it was like discovering a whole new world and 2021 was good it was only the last 3 years starting in 2022 that this site I just felt like it was getting emptier to me this place is like a home and I feel we are all like family here.

      I just don't feel the same way about other sites this site feels like its truly a Special Place to me where I met so many wonderful people it just sucks that its getting worse now with barely any interesting activity because users don't want to post many long time users are now barely active and now this site is now spammed with Bots, Garbage Scams, AI Slop, among other things and that pisses me off alot since this is like a home to me and I miss when I was a new user on this site I miss 2020 there where alot more people here especially long time users that have been here longer than I have the TL;DR is that this site used to me something special to me and now its just a pile of shit in the year 2025, man what a fall I'm just so sick of all the current bullshit that is currently going on with the site, I need to reinstall Grammarly to fix my bad errors.

      Yeah that is all I have to say its a long rant, but its something I've been meaning to get off my chest for a long time now.

    3. Horu


      Don't be so rough on the YCM staff. We have Nyx over here. Everyone else just kinda sucks tbh.

    4. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      @Horu Oh Horu, you think I'm being harsh. I'm not and Nyx is good but YCMaker has 100% control over the sites and he had pretty much crippled the moderators of this site. YCMaker is the only one that has the keys to modifying this site since he is an admin there is a bunch of problems with this site.

  5. Cual de todos? xD Este es un club para que varias personas compartan sus dibujos asi que encontraras cientos de dibujos en las acttualmente 43 paginas del club, de diferentes miembros n.n
  6. ***spits drink and flails arms in a hurry *** HOLY CRAP Melo posted something at Le Crayon Cornaaa! It's not just me here posting my drawings to the mirror like I'm the Green Goblin xD Awesome drawing. Your stuff never disappoints!
  7. With the amount of spam HERO strategies have grown able to do, maybe this card can get some value out of it. Though I'm thinking more on trying it out with Dual Avatar or Lunalight Fusions. Fusion as a mechanic has a lot of possible "under the radar" implementations.
  8. Requests from Discord friends that I've been getting piled up and am finally getting around to kinda free myself from xD
  9. IDK if you lurk but you are of the old members I hear of the least. So a bit random but consider this a wellness check. Last time I heard from you you were mentioning a hurricane sooo yeah.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sleepy


      @ObexKing Nonono, 2014 is the date he joined YCM, not the his last online presence. He last showed up around here on November 10, and his last actual activity besides just login in was even farther back.

      Also, he's a friend, not a total stranger I randomly decided to nag.

    3. ProBuddy IDK

      ProBuddy IDK

      I didn't say you were trying to nag him but I also didn't see that he was her on the 10 of november

    4. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      <3 Sleepy, I'm OK sleepy. Was trapped in a sticky situation that's been swallowing up my time. Will post more. I have to respond to your post from LAST new years still lol

  10. Hmmm much like Cow, I'm not sure if to believe this. I guess a joke or prank about his death would be in pretty poor taste regardless of the amount of complaints we've all ever presented about him and the site. So RIP YCMaker if this is real. If not, RIP Brian Thompson, since I verified that piece of news, regardless of if he is YCMaker or not.
  11. I know about it but I don't think it's gonna serve me much as things stand. I've uploaded my drawings to sites like facebook, twitter, deviantart, etc for years. If they want any of my art or art style, then odds are they have already been scrapped long ago. But I also don't think my art style is exactly very popular, nor are most of my drawings all that polished as to have somebody trying to use them to feed Ai. At best they get scrapped as collateral damage.
  12. I bring you doodles today. I blinked and a month went by xD

    1. gtrthytgh hytyty

      gtrthytgh hytyty

      Come on even I'm a good fencer but the video is very funny

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