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About Nekomata

  • Birthday 06/25/1999

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    I've played YGO since Duel Monsters; I think I know the game fairly well - even if I stopped playing for a while during the XYZ and Pendulum era. Now I make cards for fun, but I wouldn't mind getting some attention :)

    Also, I love reviewing well-made Archetypes and new concepts or cards that would add something to the game. You'll be seeing me in Multiplies, because I'm not actually interested in Single Cards (they require less work, so they're for lazy people, IMO).

    I'm from Italy, so I already apologize for any English mistakes... (Warning: I'm quite bad at writing proper OCG)

    Also, join the DPR! We'll be creating cards, reviewing them, and finally testing them on the Duel Portal; then organize tournaments. https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/367238-dpr-duelist-port-royal/

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  1. Can someone good with PSCT help me with 6 cards? It probably won't take very long (thanks)

    1. Nekomata


      Nvm I found someone, thanks anyway

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      Worst case scenario is to delete them by hand.

    3. Nekomata
    4. Nekomata


      By redoing everything from scratch, it somehow worked. Thanks for the help

  2. Is it possible to change the name of a topic you made? (Just want to delete a "written" from my last Archetype because I added pics)

    1. Phantom Roxas

      Phantom Roxas

      For the first post, select "Use Full Editor", and you'll be taken to a page where you can edit the title of your thread.

    2. Nekomata


      Thanks a lot :D

  3. An Archetype that uses the Side Deck during a Duel. Yay or nay? (Already done and shared, btw)

  4. Can anyone help me with a card with really weird wording?

  5. So, if I use Venom Swamp and the opponent has a 0 ATK monster, does it get destroyed?

    1. Darj


      Nope. The ATK of a monster has to become 0 by its effect to destroy it.

    2. Nekomata
  6. Can the verb "to plant" be referred to planes, meaning "placing a plane"?

    1. Northern Sage
    2. Nekomata


      oh. that would've been a cool pun with Paperplanes.

  7. I have a card that says "negate the effects of all monsters your opponent controls, and if you do..." . Does the "And if you do" effect work if the opponent has only Normal Monsters?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ~ P O L A R I S ~

      ~ P O L A R I S ~

      A card with that wording doesn't exist in the actual game, but it wouldn't work because non-Effect Monsters (and face-down monsters) have no effects to negate and you must negate all, so you wouldn't meet the condition for the "And if you do" effect even if just one of your opponent's monsters were Normal/face-down and the others were face-up Effect Monsters.

    3. ~ P O L A R I S ~

      ~ P O L A R I S ~

      Cards like Gaia Saber the Lightning Shadow and Gem-Knight Pearl are also considered non-Effect Monsters without effects, so they'd have no effects to negate and would also disrupt the hypothetical "And if you do" effect in question, as would Gemini Monsters that haven't been Normal Summoned while face-up on the field.

    4. Nekomata


      Ok, so it doesn't work. Thanks for the help :D

  8. It's so satisfying to see someone in the world using a word in your own language. It makes you feel so proud of your country.

  9. There are a lot of Archetypes to review... which one should I do first?

  10. I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me... I'll be the Abyss Actor starring in your bad dreams (ok Taylor I'm sorry but I had to do this)

    1. Northern Sage

      Northern Sage

      Don't apologize for parodying that crap song.

  11. Don't you think Cloudians need support?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chaosix


      Everything needs support.

      Everybody needs support.

    3. EndUser


      The last sentence though... Thumbsup!

    4. Nekomata


      Personally I think Cloudians need a Field Spell that works like The Sanctuary in the Sky/Spirit Barrier and once per turn can search a Cloudian by, i don't know, maybe banishing a Cloudian from your GY. They need more consistent ways to get Turbulence, because it's the only "fast" card that could be useful in the Link Format.

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