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About KatnissGod

  • Birthday March 20

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    http://Who has this?
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    KuriGod KuriGod
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  1. With Winter, Enguin and Thar coming back, the term permaban is starting to sound sarcastic

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. (GigaDrillBreaker)


      Mido's fact was wrong, but both of them were well-reasoned appeals.

    3. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      You forgot Krow and Wharheit got unperma'd


      Also why did Dog King get banned :(

    4. Maeriberii Haan

      Maeriberii Haan

      Even rod got unperma'd


      also many others in general.

  2. How'd you guys finally rack up the nerve the post the new version of the cardmaker? Wasn't a main concern that YCMaker would flip out if he returned?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KatnissGod
    3. Snatch Steal

      Snatch Steal

      Why would YCMaker feel anything towards something that just increases his ad revenue without him having to do anything

    4. KatnissGod


      A. It may destroy the cardmaker as a whole

      B. It's hosted on a seperate domain so it actually doesn't

  3. It's come clear to me that I'm just the worst when it comes to RPs, so I think I won't be joining any in the future

  4. Is it just me or is ycm running a bit slow today

  5. hey

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      Don't back seat mod, Striker. You were a mod. You clearly do not have the aptitude for the position.

    3. Mr. Best Male 2008

      Mr. Best Male 2008

      ha get funked striker

    4. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      *yawns* Get some new material.

  6. why do I have background music

  7. Enjoy Doggo Year while it lasts, the year of swine follows

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