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Mehmani last won the day on April 29 2012

Mehmani had the most liked content!

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  1. Woah man. The name change is certainly a throwback. Didn't realise you were still here.

  2. Alright, anyone who posted some detailed, reasoned feedback will get a like from me. Everything so far in the story was written by me around two years ago; if it gets any appreciation I'll think about writing a few decent chapters. http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/313982-may-as-well-warn-you-in-advance-this-is-pretty-poor/

  3. http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/313982-may-as-well-warn-you-in-advance-this-is-pretty-poor/ Ever wondered what Israel/Palestine would be like in the Pokemon universe? Now you don't have to bother.
    1. Bahamut - Envoy of the End

      Bahamut - Envoy of the End

      Oh it's you. You have returned.


      I'm... not certain your title is the most catchy tbh -_-

    2. Mehmani


      Not catchy, but truthful nonetheless.

  4. So. Anything interesting happening here?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Night


      Mod forum's been dreadfully mundane as of late. No drama whatsoever. The unfamiliarity of it is funking sickening.

    3. Mehmani


      Well, when you boot out the doyen of drama himself, that's only to be expected. It looks like you're doing a damn good job in some respects, though.

    4. Night


      Still believe that was a funking terrible call. And contrarily, the forum's being overrun by spambots due to YCMaker considering spambot prevention services as insignificant uses for his money. Useless funk.

  5. http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/307980-leaderboard-zanda-panda-vs-karkuk-cards-up-vote/ Come on. If nobody votes then me and Zanda have to wait for four days until the contest ends. Voters get a rep and a few points.
    1. I Hate Snatch Steal

      I Hate Snatch Steal

      sorry, but I don't know enough about B.E.S to cast a "vaild" vote

  6. Today I received my pre-ordered copy of Pokemon X from Amazon, right on time. However, the copy of Pokemon Y I had pre-ordered at the same time as X has not even been dispatched. If Amazon have the logistical nous to reroute their entire business through Luxembourg to avoid paying corporation tax, surely they can send me a pre-ordered bloody game on time?

  7. We need to talk over PM or Skype as soon as possible.


    1. Mehmani


      Quite a lot, it would seem.

  9. I'm a fan of your work.

  10. Buying Cuba's official newspaper and finding that it's only 8 pages long, contains no international news and 5 of those pages are the transcript of a speech by Raul Castro. Welcome to Eurasia.

    1. Tentacruel


      Wow, that kinda makes me appreciate living in the USA a bit.

    2. Mehmani


      I have to admit that the embargoes' effects are rather cruel, though. Cuba may have a life expectancy of 78, some of the finest doctors in the world and best of all, a bottle of 7-year-old Havana Club White for the equivalent of about $7, but the standard of living is low. It's not Gabon, Bangladesh or even Somalia, but it is most definitely a country with a poverty problem. The worst part is that no one can speak out about it.

    3. Tentacruel


      Yeah, I don't really support the trade embargo. I don't see the point in it personally.

  11. I have Skype for twenty minutes.

  12. Giant Steps - John Coltrane & Keep on Moving - Wynton Kelly
  13. You on Skype now?

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