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xlArisenRoselx last won the day on January 22 2024

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About xlArisenRoselx

  • Birthday 11/22/2000

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    Kyumi Niusuki
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  • Location
    Sarasota, Florida, USA
  • Interests
    Yugioh, Pokemon, Undertale, Fairy Tail, Anime(in general), Video Games, Youtube

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    Raven Evalon
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  1. Methinks this AI Image thing on the card maker is... Not great. Tell me why it made an explicit image of a mermaid with her chest exposed? The prompt was just a Level 3, WATER Psychic monster named "Cerulean Protean"--

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sleepy


      Oooooof So THIS is what that was referring to.
      Yeah this is a pretty good argument to request the Ai's removal until a more safe implementation could be delivered, though given the ever-learning of patterns that composes Ai's functionality, IDK if it could be made to learn and prevent NSFW content from appearing.

    3. Pommelo


      I could be wrong Sleepy, but in my understanding AI models that generate art do not "learn". They're trained in specific ways, fed with thousands of pictures for them to analyze, and the data is stored somewhere to not be touched again unless the person with the keys to its training makes a direct update. What we generate will not matter to it to improve further or will cause it to deviate from its core design, it's not like it will find patterns in the prompts it is given after it has finished the training. Again, I'm no expert at this and my input might be inaccurate, but this situation could mean the trainer fed a small number of NSFW pictures to it, and while it won't be by any means the rule, the data is there and will pop up suddenly. Despite the low probability of it happening, this is concerning given the average age of the users of this feature, and unfortunately nothing can be done about it unless YCMaker changes the model entirely. In many cases, AI image generators feature a negative prompt space to input the things you'd rather not appear in your result, which obviously is not a thing in this site (heck, I don't even know which parameters it takes exactly as the prompt, though I imagine name, Attribute, type and flavour -if any- pay an important role

    4. Toadally Awesome
  2. Oh, also, on a different note from my last status: I'm back! Figured I'd check in at least, since I've pretty much been locked up in one room for months on end due to Covid-19. How's everyone been?

    1. Dokutah


      ey welcome back

  3. Anyone know how to make a spoiler in the new format? I'm realizing that my old signature is jank at the moment, due to the site's format changing, leading to all the things I previously had in spoilers to be stacked on top of each other without spoilers... How to fix this?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. xlArisenRoselx


      Welp.. I tried that on the Protean Archetype, and now it's messed up to make everything after the point of spoiler not only be a part of said spoiler, but unable to be edited as well... So much for that

    3. Pommelo


      I sent you a PM with more detail about this topic n.n

    4. Tinkerer


      Heyo, Raven!

      Yeah spoilers have become pretty jank.  They are limited in scope with some extreme caveats.  They're definitely not as usable as they used to be.

      Personally, I use the "quote" function if I want to condense a lot into a smaller space; I'd recommend doing that for archetypes.

  4. So, I noticed that this place is as active as I remember it being.. I wanna fix that. Would it be okie if sent a link to everyone I know that would be interested and encourage them to make an account? I just dont like seeing this place have such... Emptiness..



      Don't see how it wouldn't be an issue. Go on ahead!

    2. xlArisenRoselx
    3. Nathanael D. Striker
  5. Dont forget to add the prompt for the next user, and I think u also have to include a changelog. That being said: /skip/
  6. "Saisho kara kimi o, suki de irarete, yokatta nante" sora ni uta unda

  7. “Miss Windsor?” A small voice poked through the empty silence of the room. “Yes little one?” She replied, her voice all scratchy like she was talking through a telephone with a bad connection. Anyone listening to her could tell it took a great effort for her to talk. “If you could have one wish before you…” the kid paused, then continued, “y-you know.. What would it be?” She simply smiled, and looked back at the kid with a pang of regret and hopefulness. “If all my sins have truly been forgiven, and I make it to heaven.. My final wish is to see the response to a letter I sent many years ago…”

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. xlArisenRoselx


      @Christmas Costume

      No not more, the same one. Ive been here 2 years now lol

    3. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      funk. They already infiltrated our walls, years ago, undercover. I'll give you that. You're sneaky, Mr. Furry.

    4. xlArisenRoselx


      Ms. Furry actually. And thank u for recognizing my sneaking abilities XD

  8. Tfw u sweep someone in Pokemon Showdown who isnt using a monotype team, and u r XD https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/battle-gen7anythinggoes-835055479

  9. Whats the name of the downloadable card maker we had to use before New Crad Maker was a thing?

  10. I just realized.. Im about to have been on this site for 3 years starting in February 2019.. Time goes by so flippin fast, dont it?

    1. (GigaDrillBreaker)


      Jesus Christ I've been here a hot minute. And nowhere near as long as some others.

    2. Sleepy


      I've been here for 10 years as of this past November. It sure does.

    3. The Nyx Avatar

      The Nyx Avatar

      2014 myself. And that's not even taking into account 8 years ago when I just went on this site to use the Cardmaker.

  11. Would anyone be willing to work on the Xyz monsters of an archetype with me? I'm trying my best, and can't think of good effects for them, but the rest of the archetype is worked out..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. xlArisenRoselx


      @Godbrand I can PM u with the current cards they have, and we can work from there. Also @The Necromancer

    3. Phelphor, of the Deep
    4. Mr. Best Male 2008

      Mr. Best Male 2008

      I'll help if you be my ycm gf

  12. Attempting to get back into Roleplaying on here. Wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. xlArisenRoselx


      @Godbrand If I were to Roleplay that, on this website, I would get banned XD

    3. Phelphor, of the Deep

      Phelphor, of the Deep

      no... oh course not. IDK what you are thinking. I was talking about an action RPG dnd campaign that includes people of all races/gender/etc. lol

    4. xlArisenRoselx
  13. If this card was Special Summoned by the effect(s) of a “Crystalline” monster: Send 1 “Crystalline” monster from your hand to the GY. This card gains ATK equal to the original ATK of that monster. If this card is used as Xyz material: That monster gains 1000 ATK. You can only use 1 “Crystalline - Pyrite Paladin” as Xyz material.

    1. xlArisenRoselx


      Is this the correct way to write this? Or do I have it wrong? (Mainly talking about the last part of the effect)

    2. Atypical-Abbie


      I have questions before I would choose to fix this. The first effect, that is intended to be optional I assume? It's important that you say "you can" if you want to choose something. Also, is it a cost to send the monster from your hand, or is it intended to be part of the effect as it resolves?

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