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Super Chaos Sonic

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Super Chaos Sonic last won the day on April 11 2018

Super Chaos Sonic had the most liked content!

About Super Chaos Sonic

  • Birthday 02/22/1994

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    Wherever people need me, that's where I am.

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  1. Finally got the opportunity I needed! I got a job and start training tomorrow!

  2. So did that Thanos snap bovine did count as Mod Fun Times? ...asking for a friend.

  3. So many ads...this sucks majorly. This was the one site that never had ads, now it has them...such a sad day.

    1. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      If only there was a way to prevent ads from showing.

    2. BT 
  4. ...I dunno if anyone I know of in fame has my birthday...

    1. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow
    2. Super Chaos Sonic

      Super Chaos Sonic



      Like I said...a few I know (George Washington and Gus Sorola), but that's it.

  5. A total of 20 Reps/Likes left till 1000...it's almost here!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Draconus297


      I'm 37 away. It's honestly an exciting prospect.

    3. Tourmaline


      based striker thinking being a good author/entertainer makes you a whore of any kind

    4. Dova


      So many people nearing a 1000 O_o

  6. I'm exactly 21 Likes/Reps from hitting 1000 now. And after Thar mentioned it, the moment I do, the name shall be changed...I'll finally achieve my Super Mode.

    1. (GigaDrillBreaker)


      I'm willing to admit that I make my avi chouginga gurren lagann each time it looks like I might become a mod, so that I could change it to tengen toppa gurren lagann once promoted.

    2. Thar


      This isn't even your final form!

    3. Super Chaos Sonic

      Super Chaos Sonic

      I've even got a post ready for when I do reach 1000. All the planning for the win!

  7. Oh hey, Legendary Members now have a cool highlight/aura around their names...that's pretty cool!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Super Chaos Sonic

      Super Chaos Sonic

      It's format YCM 2 is the same as Classic, minus the background of blue being a city in the night...and the Christmas logo.

    3. Flash Flyer - Sakura

      Flash Flyer - Sakura

      Or the MyBB logo if using the vintage.

    4. (GigaDrillBreaker)


      The default text color on YCM Classic is grey, whereas the default on YCM 2 is blue.

  8. The moment you realize that the Disney Classis, Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent only cursed baby Aurora because she didn't get an invite to the party. That is both petty and EXTREMELY hilarious at the same time.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dova


      are not all disney princess movies fanfiction

    3. Thar
    4. Thar


      Very late, but I just remembered another ridiculous motif from another villain: Snatcher, from the movie Box Trolls, does everything he does in the movie and tries to usurp the mayor's position all because he just wants to eat fancy cheese... and he's allergic to cheese.


    1. Thar


      You smell funny.

    1. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      no advertising


      it is in the rules

    2. Super Chaos Sonic

      Super Chaos Sonic

      "You may use the status bar to advertise your on-site stuff, including CC threads/contests, RPs, image/avatar galleries, character polls, etc."


      Rule #5 of the Status Bar Rulebook. This is permissible.

    3. ~~~~


      plug insert here

  10. Only 30 Likes/Reps until I hit 1000...I never thought it would be this close.

    1. Thar


      Once you reach this, will you change your name to Super Sonic?

    2. Super Chaos Sonic

      Super Chaos Sonic

      Hmmm...that could be a possibility...but I'm unsure yet.

  11. I'm not going to lie, this sudden influx of Koopa-based avatars actually threw off my plans for my Oct. avi/sig combo...I was gonna toss Ivan Ooze back on just for the hell of it! XD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 👀 REP 👀

      👀 REP 👀

      saw con deez nuts haHAA :^)

    3. 👀 REP 👀

      👀 REP 👀

      its a meme dont worry

    4. Super Chaos Sonic

      Super Chaos Sonic

      Uh-huh...okay then. I see now, I just was glad it wasn't the "ligma" one.

  12. How could I NOT join the train...though, went classic for this ;D

    1. Super Chaos Sonic

      Super Chaos Sonic

      Not necessarily...I just sit on a throne.

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