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Eshai last won the day on July 2 2020

Eshai had the most liked content!


About Eshai

  • Birthday 04/20/1999

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  1. This place is still alive? Also what's with the bots?

    1. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow
    2. UltimateIRS


      only alive in fighting death's amber embrace

    3. (GigaDrillBreaker)


      @YCMaker turned off whatever is supposed to prevent bots to increase ad revenue.

  2. Has anyone ever looked at Voltester and wondered if Konami actually cares all that much about PSCT.

    1. PrimeAceJohn


      lol I just looked it up. its effect sounds like it came from monopoly or something.

  3. Been awhile. Anyone posting weird cards lately?

    1. Dokutah


      welp i haven't done it for a while due to irl but im still pretty much active doing it relatively

    2. The Nyx Avatar

      The Nyx Avatar

      I made two with my own art~!

    3. Loleo


      I made one similar to yours, (not a dice roll though) It'd be cool if you checked some of my other stuff out!

  4. posts cute thing in advanced customs

    gets 5 views after 2 hours

    somethings wrong with this timeline and I don't like it

  5. Anyone here test their creations on Duelingbook?

    1. Dokutah
    2. drowsyCoffee


      I've been using duelingbook both to test the strenghts of my decks as well as posible different builds recently, def can recomend it, specially on combo-ish decks it helps make easier to envision their powerlevel, as well as to identify certain problem cards or weaknesses. Plus, y'know. Its fun

  6. For some reason the feed wasn't showing up when I came back recently.

    Hi all

  7. FINALLY got the descriptions on this archetype done https://imgur.com/a/N7MdDzg

    1. Phelphor, of the Deep

      Phelphor, of the Deep

      It's still wrong. Fix it again Tony

    2. Eshai
  8. 5 am. Should I sleep now or should I skip sleep today?

  9. "Before damage calculation, if this card attacked an opponent's monster: This effect becomes 1 of that monster's activated effects."

    1. Eshai


      might post my archetype

  10. Why did I make that the name of the post?

  11. Cyber Ogre EARTH - Level 5 - Machine/Effect - 1900 ATK/1200 DEF While an attack involving a "Cyber Ogre" you control is occurring (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; negate the attack, and if you do, it gains 2000 ATK until the end of its next battle. Cyber Ogre (edited) EARTH - Level 5 - Machine/Effect - 1900 ATK/1200 DEF If you control a Level 5 or higher Machine monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "Cyber Ogre" once per turn this way. When a monster you control battles an opponent's monster: You can target another monster you control; it gains 500 ATK until the end of its next battle. Made it more Cyber Dragon friendly and tried to keep the interesting PSCT on it ("until the end of its next battle"). Other than that I thought it would be fun to garner ATK on the monster attacking last, and if used correctly could help OTKs. Outstanding Dog Marron
  12. Who put my card in casual?https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/371888-basically-the-xyz-version-of-quasar-with-a-side-of-ladd-and-rank-down-magic/

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. VCR_CAT


      "Be willing to kill your darlings". No aspect of a given theme you're designing should be off the table in terms of rework and reconsideration. If your current idea is seen as a rulings headache, then you should probably rethink it and find a means to do the same thing that's both simpler and easier to get around ruling-wise.

    3. Eshai


      HA. Thats funny. "Doing the impossible" is something that I've been doing for awhile now. I'd rather be sure that something is impossible before deciding against it, and atm its been working fine on the Duel Portal.


      This mechanic on its own fixes Xyz Monsters in Link Format, so if I can get the rulings to 100% right then I'm going to keep at it. It's not about whether or not its a headache, it's whether or not its worth it. It is and I'll continue to work on it until its done.

    4. Eshai


      "I meant an equivalent" ?

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