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Forest Fire

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About Forest Fire

  • Birthday 10/22/1999

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  1. idk where to puts this soo... here is where it's going: i am playing someone who genuinely thought Terminus puts creatures that are already in the library on the bottom of said library.... i just... i can't

  2. So The Boy and The Beast is great.

  3. is it weird that i've been listening to the same disney song covers for 3 hours? naaaaaaaah

    1. EndUser


      Only if someone doesn't like it.


      However, personal preference =/= something is weird, so you're safe.

  4. kill me please. i fell asleep, missed this movie i planned to see with this girl i like, and it seems like she's (rightfully) mad at me. *sigh* just end me now please.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      How serious is it between you two?



    3. Forest Fire

      Forest Fire

      not at all. she doesn't like the idea of dating.

      oh and if all this wasn't enough, she knows i like her the way i do.

    4. Forest Fire

      Forest Fire

      welll. idk. i mean i she still wants to be friends. and i know she doesn't like dating... so.. idk...


      isn't death an option?

  5. you guys need to see drawfee do pokemon. it's hilarious.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Forest Fire

      Forest Fire

      you've seen the latest ones too? pokemon fusions and alola forms. as well they did predictions on the evolutions of the starters.

    3. Northern Sage

      Northern Sage

      Spheal the mall cop is still the best

    4. Forest Fire
  6. i wish that magic duels would get the conspiracy 2 and commander 2016 stuff.

  7. um. why do i not have music on my profile anymore? like... it was there last week or so...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Forest Fire

      Forest Fire

      no. though i did just update my email. cause i haven't used that email in for f*cking ever.

    3. Dova


      PM a mod, the replacement should be free.

    4. Forest Fire

      Forest Fire

      honestly i kinda want the points back.

      to much to ask for?

  8. Winter was banned? I didn't even notice...

    1. Flash Flyer - Sakura

      Flash Flyer - Sakura

      Even with his usergroup marked "Banned" on forum posts.

    2. Forest Fire

      Forest Fire

      he and i don't visit to many of the same topics

  9. And YCM continues to devolve.

  10. i cannot honestly believe i am losing to someone on magic duels who has a 100 card deck. the only reason being it's turn like 10 and ive only gotten 4 lands

    1. Forest Fire

      Forest Fire

      yay. something happened to make him quit

    2. Trebuchet MS

      Trebuchet MS

      sheet happens sometimes, yeah.

    3. Forest Fire
  11. NOooooooooooooo.... JK Rowling why you do dis? http://i.imgur.com/RMMXUD2.png

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      The Snape part is heartbreaking yeah

    3. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      The child thing is stupid. She was willing to let her second child die to save Harry. It takes Away from her motherhood

    4. Dova
  12. question to mtg people: what happened to Ormendahl? cause he wasn't Eldrazi-ized so unless he was killed.... i don't even remember being in the story, from what tid bits i did read

    1. .Rai


      Probably dead, from the one little side story he was in. He really wasn't a big deal in the arc.

    2. Forest Fire

      Forest Fire

      could maaaybe be another reason to return to innistrad later? maybe?

  13. yay. i have my laptop back from best buy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Forest Fire

      Forest Fire

      Best Buy......? unless you mean before best buy? which would be my house.

    3. The Amazing Avian
    4. Forest Fire

      Forest Fire

      i didn't pay anything tho. protection plan. plus i could not deal with whatever the f*** i did to my laptop on my own.

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