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Yemachu last won the day on July 28 2019

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About Yemachu

  • Birthday 03/25/1993

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  1. The issue with Edge not showing checkboxes in the Neo New Card maker should have been resolved; unfortunatly at the cost of theming.

  2. Spray painted macaroni gold and silver today.

    1. ~~~~
    2. Yemachu


      And now for some context:

      My sister is a primary school teacher. She is planning to make necklaces with her students (aged 4 to 6), and asked if I wanted to help out.

  3. My AI controlled deck for "Duel island: Gladiator" currently has a winrate of 50%. Not bad, considering it is at a disadvantage as it cannot use skills. (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links)

    1. Arimetal


      Wait, so you made, like, a mod for Duel Links?

    2. Yemachu


      No, the event has you create a deck which it pits against other players at random using the game's built-in AI.


      The goal of my Deck is to annoy with a lot of cards that destroy/bounce.

    3. Arimetal


      Oh, haha mb. Havent been on it in a few days.

  4. Not the greatest fan of mosquitos, but I found this "comic" about them rather amusing: http://portsherry.com/comic/just-to-annoy/

  5. Added an environment to the octopus from before. The refracted light might not be entirely accurate (not that most other things are), but I'm quite happy with how it turned out. [spoiler=Octopus]
  6. [spoiler=Octopus] Had an idea for a card series of (water) monsters that emit light (bioluminescence) for quite a while. So I decided to start drawing the first monster for the series... though I had some trouble getting the shading the way I wanted it. The same applies for its suction cups. Hence I decided to make it a "regular" octopus instead (for now at least). Despite those missing features, I am quite happy with how it turned out.
  7. Some more hairstyles for the octolings (Splatoon 2) have been announced: an afro and ponytail… I think I will stick to inklings.

  8. The next Slatfests have been announced: Teenage mutant ninja turtles. Leonardo vs. Raphael, Michelangelo vs. Donatello, and the winners of the former. Inwill go with Leonardo and Michelangelo for the first rounds.

  9. It isn't even summer yet, and it is already about 26 degrees.

    1. ~ P O L A R I S ~

      ~ P O L A R I S ~

      Yeah we still have snow sleet slush icy rain and hail :S

    2. Spinny


      yup 24 for sunny old south of england :3

    3. Yemachu


      I prefer it slightly cooler, but it is a good excuse to have ice cream for desert.

  10. Had the idea for this monster some time, but never actually fully worked it out... until now. Mostly used Krita; only used Gimp for generating the background. [spoiler=Crystal Beast Onyx Cobra]
  11. Krita 4.0 (free alternative to photoshop) released not too long ago, and I'm really liking it so far. Though I need to find time and inspiration to actually draw something.

  12. Among other things, I got a Detective Pikachu Amiibo for my birthday yesterday. I knew he would be larger than most other Amiibo, but I didn't he'd be as much larger as he is.

  13. It was in the opening post of their Out Of Character planning topic, so I doubt it would be a problem (that is where I found its description). The point you make about the type of milk is interesting, but you'd have to ask Lord Cowcow.
  14. Challenge accepted; presenting to you Poamoo. [spoiler=Poamoo] The description did not indicate what was the source of the brown spots on its fur, so I went with mud.
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