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The Nyx Avatar

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The Nyx Avatar last won the day on February 15

The Nyx Avatar had the most liked content!

About The Nyx Avatar

  • Birthday 09/13/1996

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Community Answers

  1. I guess I'll chime in. I'm still committed to cleaning out these bots and keeping a semblance of order. But yeah. To any users reading this that don't know: Agreed. If you want your threads seen and not buried under the upteenth Temu, crypto, or escort shill, go to the site shared above. Plus, it comes with more features. This forum had its day in the sun, but it's evident that the owner doesn't care about the state of it.
  2. 1. You have too many repeats. 2. This is not where you post your cards. Post in Casual Cards. Not here. 3. If you insist on posting cards in a different language, you must provide an English translation, as this is a primarily English speaking platform
  3. Happy New Year



    1. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Happy New Years indeed Happy 2025.

    2. gtrthytgh hytyty

      gtrthytgh hytyty

      I hope you are really happy😀

    3. St3amB0t


      Happy new year duelist!

  4. Banned Gimmick Puppet Nightmare: It took me a while to know why it's banned. But I dunno. I felt hitting some of the other cards might've made more sense Jowgen: OH, FUCK THAT! I will not miss you anytime soon Original Sinful Spoils Snake-Eye: I don't like Snake-Eye at all, so I'm okay with this. Limited Tenpai Dragon Chundra: I get this one. Seen plenty Tenpai on Master Duel. A little too well acquained with them. Phantom of Yubel: A-nother I'm too well acquainted with. This Deck's had its fun in the sun, but enough already. Sangen Kaimen: Same story as Chundra Zoodiac Barrage: I don't have much to say. Semi-Limited Cyber Jar: Strange to see that in this day and age. Danger?! Jackalope and Danger?! Tsuchinoko: I've no big problem with these. Certainly not now Eva: Dunno how to feel about this one. I've memories of Drytron. Performapal Monkeyboard: Okay, cool. Still don't like this archetype. The Dragonrulers: Crazy to think they're all back. I do like Redox, though. Dinowrestler Pankratops: I've no problem with this. Destruction ain't what it used to be anyways. Lunalight Tiger: I don't like Lunalight, but we'll see what comes of this. Rescue-Ace Air Lifter: Nothing to say right now. Thunder Dragon Colossus: I did not miss you. Ib the World Chalice Justiciar: You I did. Especially given how much I paid for a copy. Opening of the Spirit Gates: Good! No need to drag Sacred Beasts down with Yubel
  5. I doubt it. The only user with access to the code has been missing in action for almost a year
  6. Next time post in Casual Cards. This is not the section to post your custom cards
  7. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone


    Thanksgiving Nyx with Horns.png

  8. Moving forward, don't post your cards in Card Game Workshop. Post them here: https://www.cardmaker.net/forums/forum/10-casual-cards/
  9. 1. This has nothing to do with the section 2. Use English. This is primarily an English-speaking platform
  10. Well, you got the rest of them. But again. DON'T post them here. Post you cards here moving forward: https://www.cardmaker.net/forums/forum/10-casual-cards/
  11. Where's the rest of the "Olympus" monsters? You can't make a card that requires specific materials, if the game or you has not established them yet. Oh, and post in Casual Cards. Not Card Game Workshop
  12. What's the worst beverage you've ever had?
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