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Progenitor last won the day on August 8 2016

Progenitor had the most liked content!

About Progenitor

  • Birthday 11/05/1995

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  • Location
    Pennsylvania, USA

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    A Homosexual Pizza
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  1. time for my monthly return for a few days before once again burrowing back into the safety of the training mode of whatever fighter I'm playing atm

  2. Damn dude I tell you what, every single time a quest heads to D. Island in MHGen and that MHTri music kicks in I feel the nostalgia hit me like a freakin truck.

  3. I hope to god if the dream of Revelator getting an english dub ever becomes reality, they get Jeff Bennett to play Johnny. It's a joke over 10 years in the making. Arcsys you have the opportunity to turn mere dreams into memes

  4. The election may be over, but now we have to live through 3 months of "live with what you've wrought on the nation" end of the world messages every single time Trump tries to do something. I personally thought neither candidate was very good, but at least Trump was an honest individual and not a complete scumbag.

  5. tfw your normally 2 hour CMPEN 270 lab is so easy that you're done and in Five Guys for lunch within 30 minutes

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. (GigaDrillBreaker)


      Actually five guys is a coca cola franchised restaurant

    3. Pepsi Man

      Pepsi Man

      Yes, I know this, William. This is why we're asking Johnny to help overthrow the tyranny of Captain Cola and the Coca Cola company.

    4. Agro


      Five Guys aint Culvers but it's top 5 on the fast food tier list.

  6. As a non-binary, genderfluid wolf trapped in a pansexual mocha-frappuccino, these long status updates are offensive towards everything I represent and stand for, and if this fad is not ended soon, I will be forced to use the ancient cry of my people to summon into this forum a series of 7 tumblrfag plagues. Let this be your first warning.

    1. mido9


      retuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn the priviledgesssssssssssssssssssss, or suffer my curse

  7. One vote per customer: Name 10 things that aren't Jackie Chan

  8. But what if we are not the bacon?

  9. Can I legally marry YCMaker's Socks?

  10. Holy crap both sets of Osawa Vs. Sato were the most mentally draining matches of GG I've ever seen.

  11. >tfw evo GGXrd is starting up and your internet decides to not work for periods longer than 2 minutes at a time

    1. The Amazing Avian
    2. mitchermitcher


      i know dat feel meng


      gonna have to watch records of evo later

  12. Welcome to YCM discord: where two members can have a dignified discussion about human nature in order to subtly work in your mom

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