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About AsterikcAde

  • Birthday 08/14/1990

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  1. For some reason I can't access th card maker, I keep on getting the name cheap error page, I mean wut...

  2. Who would win? One Punchman or Bo BoBo?

    1. Dad


      Saitamaaaaaaaaa! (OPM)


    2. Shradow


      Saitama. I didn't watch too far into Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, but Saitama's feats include jumping from the moon back to Earth in a couple seconds in the middle of a fight that he was still holding back in the whole time.

    3. Lonk


      Saitama is ridiculously destructive while Bobobo is ridiculously random. It's whether you believe that destruction beats random or if it is the other way around.

  3. Into the Badlands, not bad, not bad at all!

    1. Mr. Hyde

      Mr. Hyde

      Nah...pretty neato

  4. I think we can all agree that it's time for YCM to put the Pendulum Monster type in the card generator.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. AsterikcAde


      Wow, a bunch of children under me, just suggesting and all of the sudden I get a s*** storm.

    3. Simping For Hina
    4. BT 


      we arent children. We are realists that stay updated on the subject

  5. There's used to be a Pop Culture sub section under Custom Cards, so If I wanted to post a card based on pop culture, do I post under Casual Cards?

    1. BT 


      Yeah, pretty much. Unless it fits the meta

    2. Maeriberii Haan

      Maeriberii Haan

      Yeah, you can post it anywhere now.

  6. I am back after a 5 year hiatus! Man some things changed here but I'm back and is working on a new set called New Horizons! I'll be posting a preview card of the set later.

    1. epicmemesbro


      This site has become a cesspit for would be trolls.

  7. You fall on your knees! You beg! You plead! Can I be someone else? For all the times I hate myself! Your failures devour your heart in every hour! You're drowning in your imperfection!

  8. Sorry, having too much project comming up so i dont have much time to do it, just give me more time and i'll done it for you

  9. When are you gonna be done with the image request that I asked you to do?

  10. I won't be that active in YCM for almost half of the summer, busy with work from my college and my contest will be postponed until further noticed...

  11. I never thought The Temptations would be so cool back in the day, nobody listens to real music anymore in this generation...

    1. Eliminate


      Define "real music".


    2. AsterikcAde


      Real music that don't just sing about nonsense like most music nowadays have, I like music that have feeling and tells a viable truth about this life that we live in.

    3. Eliminate


      Today's music have feelings, but unlike the old songs, it isn't as straightforward. You have to delve into the lyrics and meaning of the songs. You just have to listen closely and you can easily find "feelings" in today's music.

  12. Shooting Quasar Dragon's Theme Song:

  13. My dad is listening to Take On Me by A-HA through his stereo and I have no choice but to listen to it, but I have no complaints its a good catchy 80's song...
  14. When I die, I want someone to play the following song at my funeral: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25i56AWtFqk

    1. Smashsquatch


      I want them to play "Highway to Hell" at mine, but for laughs though!

  15. Still...we ravage the world that we love! And the millions cry out to be saved! Our endless maniacal appetite! LEFT US WITH ANOTHER WAY TO DIE!!!

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