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About Hioco

  • Birthday 06/12/1996

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  1. Looking forward to seeing the SOTW entries, might take part in the next one.

  2. Why on earth is everyone married to each other? Hahaha

  3. Internet down in my halls, can only access this through my phone now, woo Uni accommodation!

  4. Move out of my house and venture off to Uni in like 12 days. Ba gawwd I'm old.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hioco


      Whoa hey I'm here to stay, you guys in showcase are keeping my imagination flowing for Uni. Besides, I'm taking game design and will be showing off a lot of my game engine work.

    3. Night


      If you're still here in a month, I'll upload my nudes to General.

    4. Hioco


      If that's not a reason to be here in a month I don't know what is. I'll take that bet and I'll raise you, if I'm not here in a month next time I do return I owe you all nudes, and I'll post them in "Realistic Cards" because well that's just how it goes.

  5. It'd be pretty cool if we shared out our PSD's more in the Tutorials and resources section. Get like a pack of them going or something.

    1. .Rai


      Hopefully, Night's gonna compile the .psds of lots of the SOTWs in a pack. Maybe a dedicated .psd sharing thread would help remind people to do it more often as well.

    2. Hioco


      That's a good idea, I'd just like to see a little love for that section to be honest. We got a good bunch of designers on here it'd be nice to share out stuff and learn more off each other.

  6. Don't forget to place your votes in the SOTW if you haven't already guys.

    1. Night
    2. Tormented


      Make sure to create alt accounts to vote for every piece!

    3. Hioco


      Hahaha and pay your friends all your valuables for those competition sealing votes!

  7. It's weird coming back on here knowing like two or three members from the past. All these new people with name changes and such! I need to get to know everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Goose


      You gotta remember Hioco man. I never go to showcase and remember them.

    3. Hioco


      Thanks guys, feel rather welcomed!

    4. evilfusion


      Hm, nope never did anything with Graphics. You probably were a mod before I was.

  8. Holy balls I've been a member on here for 7 years haha, I joined when I was 11 that's insane.

    1. .Rai


      Time flies :p

    2. Yu-gi-oh Dude

      Yu-gi-oh Dude

      OMG me too, I joined 24th November '07. Wowww xD

  9. This SOTW thing is looking rather active enough for me to take part in, how exciting. I'm the kind of guy that'd print off proof and show my parents if I won.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hioco


      Gives me a reason to make tags and post often on here so why the hell not.

    3. .Rai


      Woah, it's Hioco. That's a name I hear a lot in Showcase. If you wanna get one in for this week, deadline's today.

    4. Hioco


      I hope it's nice stuff and not about how I couldn't moderate a forum for s***, but yeah man whipped up something and submitted one before.

  10. For some reason my name before Hioco was "CryingRock", what kind of weirdo comes up with a name like that and think's it's a good idea?

    1. Cin


      Is it really you?


    2. Hioco


      It's been too damn long!

  11. Good morning all!

  12. So looking through the years I've been on here, I used to actually be an arrogant little brat! So weird seeing a lot of new faces, hello guys, this was the place I used to go to get away from my troubles, feels so good to be back!:D

    1. Legend Zero

      Legend Zero

      Hioco! Welcome back!

    2. Hioco


      Hey Legend Zero!:D Thanks for the welcome back dude! From memory, did you own a digimon club quite a while ago? Like two years or so?

  13. Minecraft test servers up! You wanna join? Comment and i'll pm you! :P

    1. Night
    2. Legokun


      Sure, why not?

    3. .Corgi


      I already am on a server I like, so no thank you.

  14. Anyone got a Youtube? :P

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Sotos


      Done ^_^

      Subscribe to me please...?

    3. Hioco


      Comment on my channel and I will!

    4. Sotos


      Comment...? Like what?

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