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cr47t last won the day on June 6 2024

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  1. i can't comment on all these windows 11 shit, i don't use w11
  2. which one - the OG cartoon or the Netflix live reboot? (there is no movie in ba sing se)
  3. wtf happened to how we browse subforums? i can't find the new stuff now

     @YCMaker if you can make a change like this that does visibly nothing to get you profit, at least let mods moderate again so we can foster a robust and active forum that encourages active usage of the site, and make you money *that* way: the setup we have now is not sustainable, not economically, not socially

    1. gtrthytgh hytyty

      gtrthytgh hytyty

      What do you think about joining forces with my friends on the site?

    2. cr47t


      it would be nice to, but i've got a lot to tend to in my non-YCM life so i can't be active much here. sorry

    3. gtrthytgh hytyty

      gtrthytgh hytyty

      Dress was just a suggestion

  4. i have no idea there was one, when i posted that i just linked the video but was actually listening to the song elsewhere in the meantime i was revisiting "mirrors" (jt) why idk, but i remember hating hearing it every day on the radio. its kind of rare for songs that get that to be un-ruined with time but it did here i guess
  5. when did the site last go right? should i, at some time, quit YCM and just go to discord/NCM? how are things going outside of here?
  6. @Yui could you please allow me to send your YCM account a direct message? I would like to ask you about writer's things in private

    1. Yui


      i can't use the messenger here because my rank is too low. thanks ycmaker.

      go to the other forum and pm me there.

    2. cr47t


      sent it on ncm

  7. if Zama goes off again just tag Enguin and Nyx, they can probably use their forum authority to put an end to that on topic, as much as I'd like to share my opinion i think @Yui did a better job than I could have so I'll leave it here\ EDIT: so has @Rongaulius below
  8. it's interesting we talk about this here because both the YCM forum and NCM actually have been pretty resistant to a bot takeover from what I can see, maybe because the forum has lost relevance in comparison to the card maker itself. when the bots do show up here they couldn't be more obvious. one of the main reasons I stay around honestly a place like Twitter (i'm just gonna call it that ) on the other hand has been undergoing a massive bot problem since elon took charge. maybe because elon's reputation as a tech bro makes the people running the bots feel more empowered, maybe it's monetization of tweets giving an incentive, maybe this was going to happen anyway and the events since the buyout just made it go so much faster, but there's no incentive to be you on twitter anymore. you play the game or get lost in the shuffle - Optimus actually made a commentary video about the Twitter situation alone its a good watch here it is in any case what i am saying is, i'm grateful for smaller sites like this and NCM that aren't scammy or bot-infested. as for you @Raikoh130 i'm with you, don't engage unless it's inferably human made beyond a reasonable doubt. and lastly @Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan could you please put further effort into either making your point more concisely, or at least using more paragraph breaks? thanks in advance
  9. just got an ad on youtube advertising what it makes out to be an adblocker

    we keeping the free tools free with this one

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      hey zama remember that earlier status


    3. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Oh right sorry I wasn't trying to sound intentionally aggressive I was trying to give @cr47t some advice also @LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow look at this screenshot of a status cr47t made in  June of 2023.


      I will also leave a link to the original source of the status https://www.cardmaker.net/profile/642137-cr47t/?status=479300&type=status

    4. Jordan Ashwood

      Jordan Ashwood

      Gotta say, it's a brilliant strategy for an ad... albeit heartless 🤣

  10. @Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan just asking, in the future could you please not tag me in this specific thread? i don't have any clue how to contribute to the discussion except with something you're more informed about than i am. im not very tech savvy
  11. so your telling me that country stations wont play beyonce's texas hold em but then alt rock radio can be playing imagine dragons? what the actual

  12. wonderwall instrumentation but someone swapped the vocals with those from cruel summer by taylor swift yeah i know its gonna be treated as a shitpost around here but whatever i think it sounds surprising good for what it is
  13. @Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan the bar at the bottom is different, but i don't know how. this isn't really my lvl of expertise so idk if i should even comment here but w/e
  14. boy and the heron is a good movie go watch it

    1. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Cool, also long time no see.

  15. I know I'm late for this, but the UK bill has been signed off by King Charles III in accordance with the law of the land. https://www.theregister.com/2023/10/27/online_safety_act_charles/ Although, the article says the bill will not be in complete effect until (after?) 2026 - but the spy clause is still intact.
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