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a bad post

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About a bad post

  • Birthday 08/04/1947

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    In the Magical Universe of Shipping Land

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  1. Figured I should notify you you're at 30 days of "ghosting" on the Persona RP. Usually it'd go up each day but I think 30 days is a good stopping point. Basically you can't start or join any other RPs until 30 days after you post in Person. Seems harsh but it's been quite a long time since you posted.

  2. ok, so i KNOW that yugioh's not the most balanced game, but honestly i can't help really love the recent trend of bringing old archetypes back with new support, even if they're still not great

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      Metalfoes inzektor work Giga

    3. a bad post

      a bad post

      i'm just really into the new Nephthys support

    4. Mr. Best Male 2008

      Mr. Best Male 2008

      Metalfoes Inzektor stopped working the second it came out

  3. why y'all always so angry all the time

    1. Thar


      Because we all evolved from two people disagreeing with each other.

  4. FeH question, if I merge a 5* Rein who's already +2 to another 5* Rein that's not merged at all will the unmerged Rein gain the merged Rein's +2 and be a +3 or will it start at + 1 again?

    1. Blake


      It will become the total merge.


      Go forth and merge THE REINHARDT.

    2. a bad post

      a bad post

      Good cause I finally pulled a +Atk Rein and I am ready to wreck some fools

  5. What are some good cards to use with White Night Queen?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. a bad post

      a bad post

      Polaris Queen's a Light type

    3. a bad post

      a bad post

      I'm aware it's not exactly competitive, but I've always really liked the card and never really been able to build a deck around it

    4. Tinkerer


      Photon Sanctuary (get queen out quickly), Quaking MF, Floodgate Trap Hole (to take care of monsters)


      At that point, if you're running lots of traps, maybe make some kind of Card of Demise variant?

  6. Is YGOPro still a thing, I'm kind of thinking about getting back into the game, but I really don't feel like spending stupid money on cards rn

  7. Is Yugioh VRAINS good, I think I've finally gotten over my undying hatred of Link monsters enough to give it a shot, but I really don't feel like watching 50 eps if its sheet

    1. Atypical-Abbie


      Meh, if you have watched the others through, you can do this one too, but it's nothing different or special from anything else the YGO animes have to offer. Also, it has like 4-5 filler episodes so far, it's a but stupid how many there are.

    2. Expelsword


      Personally, I'd only watch the episodes Revolver's in, they feel like the only ones that matter. 9-12, 30-31, then watch from 39 onwards.

      Also, watch Episode 27 for Naoki's Duel

    3. UltimateIRS
  8. After like 3 months I'm back... to basically say I'm leaving. I really don't have time to lurk around on the site anymore I'll still be around for RPs since I'm still actually interested in doing those, but other than that I don't think I'll be on the site much anymore. If anyone actually wants to contact me you can PM for my discord or social media

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mitchermitcher


      idk why people keep doing these 'leaving' posts either. this is nowhere near the first and as far as i know most of them still post outside of rp

    3. Tourmaline


      looking aloof=badass meme

    4. a bad post

      a bad post

      B/C mitch I don't think I'll be able to devote a lot time to the site anymore outside of that one section and there are people on here who I consider friends and would still like to keep in contact with after I leave, but I don't want to look needy and message them first. It's a delicate balancing act you see

  9. i'm drunk as sheet and hungry as funk

    1. Ire


      Eat your sheet and funk.

    2. Northern Sage

      Northern Sage

      Sounds like my friday night.

  10. is it wrong to genuinely wish for someone ti die horribly

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blake


      it doesn't depend ._.


      wishing death on someone can depend, but wishing more than that on them is wrong

    3. BANZAI!!!!


      Only if its me.


      Or you act on it

    4. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow
  11. F/GO is bad civilization only letting me pick one of those gorgeous CEs for shame!

  12. would anybody join a fate RP?

  13. when you need cash, but really don't want to work your shift

  14. Anybody else having trouble editting their posts?

    1. Blake


      right-click the edit button and open in new tab


      opens the full editor automatically

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