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-Griffin last won the day on March 26 2011

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About -Griffin

  • Birthday 12/31/2011

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  1. My experience with YGOPro: http://i.imgur.com/F1go3bd.png

    1. evilfusion


      My inner programmer just curled into the fetal position.

    2. Tentacruel
    3. -Griffin


      That's Gorz's effect, for those interested.

  2. YDF's first set is nearing completion, lots of cards getting put on the spreadsheet at this point. Soon the task of adding them to a program and finding them art comes along.

  3. I hope ya'll are watching AGDQ this week http://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick

  4. Looks like really old written card stuff can't be recovered, since stuff in the 'scrap forum' from the reshuffle of the custom card section is either deleted or hidden. Darn, wanted some nostalgia.

    1. Flash Flyer - Sakura

      Flash Flyer - Sakura

      Your old stuff should've been moved to the new sections as deemed appropriate. There isn't anything left in the Scrap sections.

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULzDJTo1zNw
  6. Just learned that Soul Charge is a card that exists. Cannot make custom format fast enough.

    1. VampireofDarkness


      Everyone has that time when they first look at Soul Charge and like "Holy s***!"

    2. -Griffin


      Quick, Triky, comment on YDF cards so we can start playing a format with no Soul Charge sooner! :P

    3. Toffee.


      You should have seen the days when Soul Charge was@3. It was really damn silly.

  7. Yugioh Designer Format very much open for card submissions! http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/327268-ydf-yugioh-designer-format-phase-3-set-1-card-creation/ Hop on over and contribute to the format!

  8. YDF coming along slowly but surely, can't wait until this is a playable thing.

    1. VampireofDarkness


      I think we all can't wait, man

  9. Skype for Linux is some ugly thing. dat UI.

  10. Surprised how few people are showing interest in a custom format ( http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/326732-yugioh-designer-format-survey-looking-for-organizers/ ) - it might be that these failed in the past simply because not many people are interested.

  11. I'm going to be making a custom format, anyone who is willing to commit some time to it, message me & we can talk over Skype or Steam or something - having to refresh the page to get messages on here is too slow. (I don't know who's still active on the site & has an interest in that sorta thing)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VampireofDarkness


      I would love to get involved in this.

    3. -Griffin


      Can't say I've seen you before, do you have a Skype or Steam ID I can contact?

    4. VampireofDarkness
  12. Ok, ordered the 3DS YGO game, time to learn the game again so I can make a custom format. Hopefully one that can be played online w/ cards that work automatically.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Master Hyperion

      Master Hyperion

      Story mode... and they f***ed up that too by removing 28 playable characters that had their own stories.

    3. -Griffin


      But... did anyone ever play a YGO game for the story? I thought it was an excuse to pace the cards.

    4. Rodrigo


      I played it for the story and for the thrill of unlocking cards.

  13. I have 9.5k posts on here!? I really did use this place a lot.

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