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About Andx

  • Birthday 01/01/1993

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    Napping on my master's bed.
  • Interests
    Hugs, pets, snuggles, friends, treats, fetch.

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    Doggo #5674

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  1. Andx, hi there!

    1. Andx
    2. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      It's Striker. Yea, one of the few names I've used that doesn't have Striker. Anyway, long time no see.

  2. First status since the site came back sugoi luul xd

  3. Ori dlc for Rivals is a hoot.

  4. Persona 5's a rush so far.

  5. *is halping yui keep memes from being dreams*

  6. Now as much as I'm enjoying the vanishing rep mystery, where are the Christmas lights?

  7. Will shamelessly run ads for one of the YCM candidates for treats.

    1. Ralsei


      Will you protest for treats? ovo

    2. Andx


      Oh it's birdiesis's birdie friend. Idk i might protest. Holding a sign for treats sounds fun. And okie dokes keith gets some ads.

    3. Ralsei


      Yes, I am bird friend! Hello, dogfriend!

  8. 404 rep count not found. #OriginalJokes

    1. Aix


      haha destroyed ur joke

    2. Andx


      Played right into my fin.

  9. Feels good to not have to see the subforums I usually have hidden again.

  10. Rai visited my profile, I think this is where I bark and stuff to claim my territory or something.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. .Rai


      as fellow dogs, we should be friendly and like have dog parties or something

    3. Andx
    4. The Nyx Avatar

      The Nyx Avatar

      Perhaps I should be a German Shepherd or The Captain next week.

  11. If anyone actually even bothered to read the old rules everything on the site was supposed to be pg-13, except rp and creative writing with the proper pg-16 labels, which would have included abundant swearing and graphic violence in the whole list of no-no's. Stop getting on the mods for enforcing rules that have always been there.

  12. Make CowCow a mod so he can ban me for trying to make this the next status fad.

    1. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      I might do it don't tempt me

    2. Andx


      Strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you could ever imagine.

    3. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      Good then you can post even more in Chosen.

  13. Picked up Odin Sphere Leifthrasir today and hoo boy having fun with it.

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