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Max Darkness

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  1. Hmmmmm, its been quite awhile. I thought I should stop by and say hello to my old friend! Soooo, hello old friend!

  2. Just stopping to say hi, if you ever get back on that is, I don't blame ya, I hardly get on anymore but to leave a little blurp in my status......hope your okay...ttyl

  3. Hello: drop by-Hi

  4. Turns out the last gaps in my HG Pokedex are Skitty and Corsola... Interesting...

    1. Agro


      My pokédex is complete, r u jelly?

    2. ❤ Lovely Warrior ❤

      ❤ Lovely Warrior ❤


  5. Look sorry if i've insulted you or anything...but plz don't ignore me?

  6. I edited my post and was wondering when you came back on if you could help me....I'd appreciate it.

  7. Do you want to do the 1on1, well, I was thinking of starting tomorrow if your up to it....

  8. Finally going to sell off some of my 12+ "Turbo Synchron/Warriors". Along with some HA02s.

  9. hi ~~!! How are you?? Its been a while~~!! Btw check out my new topic~!! its called Extract Summon~~!! You can check my grammar and correct my mistakes~~!! Hope you will like it~~!

  10. Has just found several video game promos in a stash of cards. Good times.

  11. Well, 5Ds has officially stopped making sense...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tee-Jaie


      Uh, IDK.

      _ /




    3. Raine


      Dubbed never makes sense

    4. blackfear789


      yu-gi-oh episodes:1 the producers allways decide who wins.2 its crap and the deck of the hero is crap just like there hair.3:ive run out of ideas why i hate episodes

  12. Hm...Wait until the "Wicked Avatar" is released in a Collector's Tin; or buy the promo version...

  13. Aki really has no point in 5Ds anymore. I mean, in the ending she's listed as the 'Benchwarmer'. That's all she's good for! Keeping the bench warm!

    1. Anbu-of-Sand


      Well all the YGO Animes need at least 1 women character with big breast.

    2. DeathSDelano


      Tea was even more useless...And aki they just like to give Crow more spot-light. they need to give aki some to do besides be a cheerleader....


  14. "Reverse of Arcadia's" A.I. is moronic. Don't activate "Wall of Revealing Light" to stop "Ancient Sacred Wyvern". It's an own-OTK...

    1. .Leo


      i mean, when they leave an open field and pass, the never use gorz/

    2. Max Darkness

      Max Darkness

      And Godwin using "Mystic Tomato" to Summon "Wiraqocha Rasca", thus defeating the point of it. Well, at least it makes the game easier...

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