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Jolta last won the day on April 14 2024

Jolta had the most liked content!


About Jolta

  • Birthday June 26

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  1. Modern Yu-Gi-Oh! is all about writing a story and turning it into five to seven archetypes. How about uh... toys? Little aliens disguised as toys, sentient toys, etc.
  2. 7 members online, that's an all time low. I guess that means the bot problem's being dealt with.

  3. They're both on Steam. The former costs money. Easy Pose is made with posing and referencing in mind. VRoid Studio is for streaming, so using it for posing and referencing is just something people are able to do if they want to.
  4. Two things - sufficient practice and a means to reference poses like Easy Pose or VRoid Studio. The latter is such a good crutch. Granted I have a lot of holes in my arts i.e. I can't shade for the life of me
  5. Well, I feel a bit of an obligation to post somethin' 'ere, so here's an old version of a character... And a new version I made down the line She's meant to be the equivalent of that class that starts with nothing in a Soulslike - the Deprived, the Waste of Skin...
  6. Sometimes I think about whether there's a point complaining about "Fake Types" these days. I mean look at the Rush Duel stuff, they're making new types as they go aren't they?

    1. Jordan Ashwood

      Jordan Ashwood

      Honestly.. if people complain about "fake types" on a website dedicated to fanmade cards, they just seem close-minded LOL

    2. Jolta


      There used to be whole ass wars about it back in the old days, believe it or not. Today though, Types that might as well be Fake Types are being generated by Rush Duels i.e Cyborgs are already covered by Psychics & Machines, and we have new types like Galaxy & Cyberse created for the sake of new protagonists with their new stories.


      OK Galaxy & Cyberse are kinda reasonable I guess.

    3. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      "Fake Type Knights" or something iirc

  7. Something keeps bringing me back here...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jolta


      Ran out of adjectives?

    3. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      @Jolta yeap that is why I'm rarely even active on this site anymore... its nothing but bots at this point...

    4. Jordan Ashwood

      Jordan Ashwood

      It's such a pleasant little community, but the bots are everywhere... ^^'

  8. I am in a constant state of revisiting this site for the sake of Nostalgia.


    So uh... what are you all up to?

    1. Atypical-Abbie


      Not playing yugioh that's for sure

  9. Don't mind me, I'm here to look, practice and pick some tips up. Speaking of, what tutorials do you all generally follow when you need to learn a new art skill? Or the basics in general? I follow multiple to see multiple perspectives on how to do any one basic step.
  10. Nothing here, nothing on the other one. Guess we really are a relic of days gone by.

  11. If this site ever fades, I just want to say that I'm proud to be the 56641th member among 940474 members.

  12. You were a member of the Fake Type Knights, what happened to the rest of 'em?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phelphor, of the Deep
    3. Kailyn Leona Kyosuke

      Kailyn Leona Kyosuke

      Yeah I was.  Real life happened, tho I did try to revive a couple years ago.

      Ultimately it just kinda didn't work out D:

      Miss the old crew tho.

    4. Ryusei the Morning Star
  13. All my 2010s and before cards... back...

    1. Phelphor, of the Deep

      Phelphor, of the Deep

      I banish them to the shadow realm

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