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Legend Zero

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About Legend Zero

  • Birthday May 14

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  1. holy sheet another ghost appears!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Legend Zero

      Legend Zero

      Tho I did notice people memeing about Stratos

    3. Blake


      You missed out on the Arc-V era. Barring the very end, it tended to be the most balanced set of gamestates that the game's ever had. Changed the game a lot, too. VRAINS era, aka now, isn't so hot though.


      I would've gotten into Duel Links, but the FE mobile game and HS kept me from it lol

    4. Blake


      stratos is a meme 5ever

  2. When you play the gacha and roll who you want.

    1. Althemia


      when the rngesus just right

  3. When Civ updates but you have to go to work.

  4. So YCM might last longer than Reddit. :]

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Aerion Brightflame

      Aerion Brightflame

      If Reddit dies, it will just get replaced by something new but very similar. It's not a hard site to make successful

    3. The ReBeL

      The ReBeL


    4. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      no chance, YCM will fad and meme itself to an early general TCG death

  5. So I finally watched the supposed seizure clip from Pokemon. My God, my eyes are bleeding.

    1. Toffee.


      Porygon, tho....

    2. epicmemesbro


      It was pickachu's fault!

  6. https://digimonworldre.wordpress.com/2015/06/22/495/ Digimon World Re: Digitize has finished being translated. :D
    1. Maeriberii Haan
    2. mitchermitcher


      Now that's lovely. Guess it's time to bring out muh PSP again.

  7. FF7 remake. Sony stahp

    1. Just Crouton

      Just Crouton

      Must've run out of ideas.

  8. the Last Guardian!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Legend Zero

      Legend Zero

      Just end it now Sony, its over.

    3. Tentacruel


      Don't you want to hear about the exciting new timed exclusive Call of Duty gun skins?

    4. Legend Zero

      Legend Zero

      I want to X out of the tab so bad right now.

  9. sony no don't do it

    1. Tentacruel


      Too late they're doing it.

  10. Whenever I see 'Holiday 2016' at E3 I instantly stop caring. :/

    1. Tentacruel


      Games take a long time.

  11. Pirate game from Rare sounds really fun

  12. Its really weird to see mods of other places force their views on others.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Legend Zero

      Legend Zero

      A mod banned someone for a "its a trap" joke. Then said they would be unbanned if they wrote a 500 word essay on transexual struggles in the US.

    3. Maeriberii Haan

      Maeriberii Haan

      to be fair using trap to refer to them is...kinda improper in the first place.


      Though the punishment is silly.

    4. Legend Zero

      Legend Zero

      There are a ton of things that could be considered improper happening on forums. As a mod, you can't enforce your view of things on others like that.

  13. Science youtube channels are so amazing

    1. .Rai


      Wild guess at saying you saw the Coriolis effect video(s)?

    2. Legend Zero

      Legend Zero

      I did, which was really fun. Though I just watched some Sixty Symbols.

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