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Zeal Ascendant

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About Zeal Ascendant

  • Birthday October 12

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  • Location
    teh internetz
  • Interests
    ygo, mtg, cfv, technologies, art, being smart, being awesome, ETC ETC

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  1. Woah, I wonder if anyone from here remembers me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zeal Ascendant

      Zeal Ascendant

      WHAT THE HELL, I CAN'T EVEN FIND IT! I guess I'll lurk around here for a bit.

    3. Stan Alda

      Stan Alda

      Your name sounds familiar...

    4. CinnamonStar


      One of the few people I'll recognize. Sup?

  2. So I've been learning about objects in javascript, and I'm like "aww yeah, I'll be startin' on my text RPG tomorrow" and then I stumble upon constructors. PYTHON, Y U NO HAVE THIS AMAZING TOOL?!?

  3. Haha! Now I just have to learn about objects in javascript, and I'll be able to start making a text adventure/RPG!

    1. mido9


      You go girl!

  4. Spriting is so hard ;_;

  5. Urrk... I'm so inactive these days. I guess because I kinda lost interest in yugioh. And I sold my soul to reddit.

    1. Zeal Ascendant

      Zeal Ascendant

      It's just that more people I know irl play magic, and I see them more often anyway. And whenever I go on DN, its just boring. It's not like I'm completely giving up on the game though, I might have some more interest if next format is better.

  6. http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/282529-lucid-dreaming/ Any advice or experience with lucid dreaming would be greatly appreciated!
  7. So... I just got braces.

  8. >Use mindshrieker's effect 4 times >Mill 2 skaab goliaths, geralf's mindcrusher, and a makeshift mauler >23 p/t >rapeface

    1. Zeal Ascendant

      Zeal Ascendant

      I OHKOed my friend, who I had made an "alliance" with. Unfortunately though, I ended up losing that three way game after a drawn out battle.

    2. Zeal Ascendant

      Zeal Ascendant

      Or just make an insanely powerful flier...

    3. Zeal Ascendant

      Zeal Ascendant

      Oh, I'm stupid. I thought you were saying there was an infinite mana loop with hellkite and shrieker, then I looked up hellkite and was like "Whaa?" and then I came back and realized you were talking about myrs. Heh.

  9. In AoC, can you post written cards for a different card game?

    1. Zeal Ascendant

      Zeal Ascendant

      Oh, ok. Thanks. Time to make up some vanguard cards :D

  10. Just had my first real competetive pokemon batte in like... a year :S Good thing I have tips from my friend...

  11. Money grinding in dragon quest 4... I need that holy lance for kiryl D:

  12. le name change

    1. Astolfo
    2. Zeal Ascendant

      Zeal Ascendant

      A meh, followed by a happy emoticon? An expression of both distaste and approval? WHAT DOES IT MEEEEEAAAAAAN!?!?!?!

  13. I changed my name naturally in january, over 90 days ago. Then I had a mod change my name artificially about a month ago at the cost of 5000 points. Now YCM won't let me change my name naturally. What do, mods?

    1. Agro


      If it's changed in any way shape or form, it has always counted towards the natural count, even though the date shown on the natural count never changed.

    2. Legend Zero

      Legend Zero

      It just becomes 5000 every 3 months. Name changes have always been a privilege.

    3. Zeal Ascendant

      Zeal Ascendant

      Well, I never actually bought a name change from the shop so I wouldn't know if they counted or not, but I sent black a PM anyway.

  14. HUH?!? Why can't I change my name? My last manual change was in january, my more recent name change was done by a mod...

  15. So, how does the name change "Zeal Ascendant" sound to you all?

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