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Dad last won the day on October 5 2020

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    The People's Study

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  1. I just came back to say, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  2. Ngl I feel bad for y'all.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Atypical-Abbie


      Why is that? What is there to feel bad about? I mean other than the world being on fire.

    3. ENMaker
    4. (GigaDrillBreaker)


      It's okay we feel bad for you too

  3. I'm kinda glad yall aint changed lmaooo

  4. You smell that?

  5. A kid I've been tutoring in my local big brother chapter just died of heart valve complications.

    I watched him go on from middle school and he was supposed to start his freshmen year of high school this year. I didn't wanna post this on Facebook out of respect for his family. But I needed to get it off my chest because he had become family to me. And now I'm fucking broken.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pommelo


      My goodness, Dad, I'm sorry. My condolences.

    3. The Nyx Avatar

      The Nyx Avatar

      You have my condolences.

    4. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      I'm so sorry brother, christ that's so awful

  6. I go to the store for five minutes and I come back and y'all acting like assholes. Fuck is wrong with y'all? Know what, never mind. You're all adopted.

  7. So about that "free market" lmao

    1. UltimateIRS


      you can't fuck around with stock prices

      only we can do that

    2. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      Yup, I'm not selling though. Over my dead body

  8. sup boo

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      can't get covid a second time 💪😄

    3. Dad


      Man i aint know you had the vid! Im glad you better but damn thats scary!

    4. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      I lucked out, physically good shape young male, and got it in peak summer when the virus doesn't like heat


      Not even comparable to people suffering with it in subzero temps rinnow


      Hoping the vaccine gets out a lost faster

  9. Almost forgot why I left this bitch. I came back to 40+ boris, winter thinking I'm a Biden Stan (honestly that really, really fucking hurts. I'm truly insulted and offended.), And beef between cow and Roxas and I guess gigs? I mean I was busy with no days off but fuck y'all just had a party.


    About the only thing you did right was mod Enguin. 

    Oh and I did get that 22. I love plinkers.

  10. Glock. Shotgun. AR. I think Imma get a 22 next. And then a few more pistols. I need one for the car and one for the shower.

    1. Show previous comments  65 more
    2. Phantom Roxas

      Phantom Roxas

      Giga, it was mostly in General or the status bar. I don't recall any disputes with you in Debates either, so if that's what I seemed to be referring to, then I should have clarified. For what it's worth, I will accept your apology, so I don't want to push you any further.

      Cow, if the whole point of this argument was trying to inform people when they're unwilling to engage in any self-reflection, then it's entirely fair to discuss how that applies. After all, weren't you trying to simply respond to my comment about Winter and turn it towards how that applies towards me? So it seems perfectly reasonable to discuss how it applies to you, too. Rather than repeating the "look in a mirror" comment, I'd rather suggest that you make an effort to consider what you may have done that was inappropriate. If you keep finding yourself coming up with excuses for why your behavior was totally appropriate, perhaps that will offer you some insight.

    3. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      Let it go, man, it's much healthier.

    4. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      Roxas you care more about this than I did in 2016, and let's just say that's not a healthy place to  be. 


      Cow is right

  11. I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. And yeah I hope that bitch nigga die. Him, his wife, his kids, and I hope he gave it to Biden too.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Atypical-Abbie


      That is quite a more aggressive stance that mine, also why Biden too? What good would that do at this point?

    3. Ryusei the Morning Star
    4. Dad


      I'm glad you asked. Cuz Biden is one of the primary reasons my mf people got locked up with 10 years to life for a gram of weed when he wrote that crooked ass crime bill. And that's among the smaller things his creepy, pedophile, racist ass has done.

  12. Happy New Year.

    1. Phelphor, of the Deep

      Phelphor, of the Deep

      counter trap card activated.


      I counter that sheet.

  13. I've successfully copied and saved all of my personal content from YCM. There is no longer a reason for me to return here. With my last day here, I want to say: thank you for the memories, thank you for the arguments, and thank you for the fun. YCM, you will be missed. Farewell.

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