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ENMaker last won the day on March 8

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About ENMaker

  • Birthday 08/19/2011

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  1. i never noticed as the bot posts are so all-encompassing generally but they in fact do not post in miscellaneous at all, i don't know why, the only difference is the posts not counting maybe there's some permissions bots cannot acquire to get in thereĀ 

    in any case this website is officially as far as i am concerned retired, it will be here who knows how long and maybe pinning a thread to every section will resurrect the sadly slain ycmaker


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tormented


      It's fine if I need to look into hardening security; I can and will. That being said, I'd be very surprised if the bots are coded in such a way that they'll jump shit to another URL they can find but not my area of expertise.

    3. ENMaker


      yeah i mean a part of me thinks cowcow is a lunatic clown fool and this isn't really after happening because why and how would the bots do it but i delete most of them anyway

    4. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      I could be just paranoid

      Actually no I know I'm paranoid about a lot of things

      Just the timing that it only happened after the links were put up makes me think "Better safe than sorry"

  2. https://neocardmaker.com/
  3. https://neocardmaker.com/
  4. fuck you get out of here
  5. i have no idea how i got that ycmaker assassination thread highlighted at the base of the forum as a staff pick i don't know how i did that and i can't do it again

    1. ENMaker


      ok i must've figured it out as it worked but i still don't know precisely what i did to accomplish it

  6. https://neocardmaker.com/ the above linked website works and is run by someone, i was going to add adjectives here but actually just the fact that it is run by someone at all is an infinite improvement; this place is not even being held together by tape, nyx is unfathomably committed to patching holes but the ship is three-quarters underwater so if you want to do any of the things you would've aspired to do here i think try ncm instead
  7. flaps flaps flaps flaps

  8. really appreciate the last couple of years the amount of random singleton cards they're putting out with unconventional effects and/or wacky names; "do it early, do it together" hot on the tail of "in papa's footsteps" though this time maybe actually useful they have a few parallels in their card texts i like all of these, bomber place is pretty interesting just for being once per chain as many times a turn as you like though that's obviously because if you're even pulling this off in the first place you deserve it and it's functionally just a board wipe with forty extra steps actually i didn't read that properly it's not even as good as that because if they don't have a level or as will often be the case their levels do not correspond to their existent link ratings it won't work however that is circumvented inherently i guess by the activation condition necessitating you having 1-6 covered and you just have to match up your columns correctly alright so it's a semi-boardbreaking youtube combo card that you are only ever going to see used to do nonsense but i don't mind that also, brain controller, very nice, another recently emergent genre of card i enjoy in the monster based on and supporting a classic card which has been powercrept and/or errata'd to a point of mediocrity, though i cannot think of an example right now i am positive this is not the first of its kind if somebody is reading this and can name one please feel free to do so
  9. I think fundamentally it's not that bad and the inefficiency of card text makes it more intimidating than it need be, like the fact they have not and seemingly will not come up with shorthand for things such as "you can only use x effect of y once per turn", and other such clauses and restrictions which can fill out the text box of what is a quite straightforward card effect is a problem. Furthering this is the fact that they also do not have a standardised format in TCG anyway, where sometimes there will be a bonus effect in between a restriction and a clause for some fucking reason, so if you have been playing the game a while and "learned" to scan cards for pertinent text you can miss things that you wouldn't if you had never read a card before and went through line by line. You know I answered the poll with no but the more I think about it the more I lean back towards yes, I don't know, I have been playing on and off for the majority of the time the game has existed in its more complex forms but I also have had multiple extended breaks and I have observed people capitulate over mechanics as straightforward as xyz and synchro summoning, link summoning even which could not be more simple like just look at the link rating and count that many monsters that's it. In fact I'm going to say it, pendulums are alright they're not that complicated literally all you have to do is observe pendulums in use in a single game and you will understand, I know it has two different colours on the frame two different text boxes strange glyphs and numbers where no other card does but really it only seems overly complex in theory when you are looking at a card with no context, it is not hard to grasp in practice like watch a single episode of Arc V you will understand they explain it every single time it happens. I am not even particularly a fan, especially pre-MR4/5 the way they worked there were no downsides pendulums were just fundamentally better than non-pendulums but that is no longer the case. Where am I landing here I am not sure. I think the game in practice is a lot easier than in theory. To explain to somebody just conversationally how any card game or board game more intricate than go fish or snakes and ladders operates is going to be hard. I find it very rewarding to play this one because it is as layered as it is and because there are so many mechanics and ways for you and your opponent to interact with each other, I am one of the proponents of the Tearlament mirror being the best gameplay there has ever been outside of Abyss Dweller, which is a card that certainly simplifies the game but in doing so makes it way worse and less of a game. In conclusion I voted no I'll stick with no it's complicated but that's the beauty of it and in practice you are only going to see about 300-400 cards in a given format so the simple existence of a load of cards with paragraph effects that you will maybe see once in your life actually being played doesn't practically matter.
  10. site's been fucked around a lot the last 15 years but particularly the last 3 or so it's just fallen apart, i fear posts prior to like 2015 and probably even later are just gone i don't really have any powers despite being a mod the admin revoked our backend access so i can't help really but the outlook is not great
  11. So what does the EN in ENMaker stand for?

    1. ENMaker


      short for enguin, my long-term alias

      structured in reference to ycmaker you may have deduced

    2. Sleepy


      I must be waking up still 3u3" because my brain immediately went to the EN in Yugioh cards that means the cards are in English, so my head says "English Maker" even though I knew what the actual right answer was xD

  12. i always thought this was a bit but now i don't know
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