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towitori last won the day on August 16 2016

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  1. Happy Ecchi Day!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Black D'Sceptyr

      Black D'Sceptyr

      There's. An Ecchi day. WHAT?


      If ya mean your birthday tho, belated regards!

    3. towitori


      no its ecchi day. celebrate borderline hentai

    4. Aix


      every day is ecchi day

  2. Sakamoto desu ga final episode finally available

  3. Canned War (Machines) Machine-Type EARTH monsters that are based from real life tanks but instead looks like cans. These monsters have super high attack and super low defense for being Level 4s so they can dish out high damage immediately. (think Chainsaw Insect) Drawback is that they are destroyed after the damage step when they attack or attacked. This effect cannot be negated as well. So why run this suicidal monsters? A series of Continuous Spells will exploit these effects like Summoning a replacement from the hand once per turn for the destroyed monster or reviving one of them at the end of the turn. They have a Special Synchro that doesnt act like a boss but fully supports them by giving them full immunity to card effect destruction like from themselves and draw power each time they attack. The Synchro has low atk but packs nice defense stat Inner Beast
  4. Please have my babies

    1. towitori


      I have super hips ;) ;)

  5. Madhouse is making S2s now. The world is probably ending soon

    1. ÆƵ–


      Madhouse is doing more than just 1-shots? bless

    2. Shradow


      Made a status about this yesterday but it's been a surprisingly short time since Madhouse's last S2, with Chihayafuru coming out 3 years ago (which is still a long time, but not nearly as long as I would've thought).

  6. I miss Koko ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. towitori


      Oh my~ but i got to go sleep :* soon okay we'll have some fun ;) ;)

    3. Althemia


      Just get on for a little bit? We need to catch up.

    4. towitori


      Okay just for you <3

  7. Leafy response was so weak :O

    1. epicmemesbro


      @kotori He even predicted it would be.

    2. Spinny


      Everyone was expecting it to be tho, wouldve been better to chill and not reply it was all jokes anyway lol

  8. Herpethorn Low level low stat EARTH Reptiles monsters that equip themselves to a monster when destroyed. When a monster is equipped, Herpethorn has this weird positive and negative bonus to their host. They can give buff their ATK/DEF but gives a negative effect to them (example, gain 500 ATK/DEF but cannot attack directly) and vice versa (example, loses 500 ATK/DEF but can attack directly.) Their main winning strategy however is to use these monsters equipped with Herpethorns as Fusion materials for their boss Herpethorn via contact fusion. the boss Herpethorn also has an average stat and is capable of attacking as many times as the number of Herpethorns equipped to it but its stats cannot be altered. (of the) Red Thread
  9. Anyone saw someone's chin?

    1. The Nyx Avatar

      The Nyx Avatar

      The guy from Hong Kong 97?

    2. Althemia


      nah they hid his chin

  10. Trapstick is a group of EARTH Plant-type monsters that does something special. You can Set them in the S&T Zone as Normal Trap Cards and you can activate them as Trap Cards. Their "Trap" effects are the same as their effects as monsters. They have a nice amount of Spell Support mostly involve searching, recycling or even allowing a Trapstick monster to be set to the S&T zone as Trap Card. Cold Steel
  11. PS4MLG360NoScope

    1. towitori


      hopefully this isnt 1 word :(

    2. Northern Sage

      Northern Sage

      It´s more like you must have at least one space in your status between some of the letters.

  12. Jun Fukuyama's voice makes everything cool.

  13. Order of Menageries An archetype of Beast-Types whose focus is to protect each other to maintain field advantage to be later used for some Rank 4 plays but falls short for being slow in putting monsters in the field. They have a field in which turns all monsters on the field to Beast-types. Their main boss is based from Harambe, which while protects other Beast-types you control allows you to attack all beast types your opponent controls for how many Xyz Materials it has each. Spell/Traps adds more Beast-types in to your hand to maintain hand advantage and give you more choices in the long run. Morphobia (Morph + phobia if it wasn't obvious enough)
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