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~ P O L A R I S ~

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~ P O L A R I S ~ last won the day on November 11 2018

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About ~ P O L A R I S ~

  • Birthday 03/20/1995

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    ~ P O L A R I S ~

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  1. come back

    1. Eavy


      Calling this person out for putting a strawman who think it is being offended by anything because he don’t like it.

      I comment here because thread is locked. It seem you also have bad experience about him

      Any moron screaming muh cencorship putting narrative and can’t even see when he is proven wrong, have tendency of lying and accusing everyone  with their lies, like how you associate every hire with prostitute. A conservatives and coomerbrain at that
      last online 1 year after shitpost. thank horakty he got banned. both 1 year since posting that deluded complain, both are sock account


      And cardmaker mods, your system cannot send email to yahoo, fix that. need to use gmail for thiss

  2. Specter uses a "Sky Striker" Heal Deck that focuses around Link Monsters with defensive effects, mainly in the form of Damage reduction. For offensive tactics, Specter relies on stealing the opponent's Monsters. Specter also puts a strong focus on continuously increasing his LP to win in time with Kaina every round.

    1. Phelphor, of the Deep

      Phelphor, of the Deep

      In time? with kaina? Every round?

    2. Eavy


      this is some bad fanfic

  3. He has an interesting take on Thunder Dragon, choosing to run 0 copies of Thunder Dragon.

    1. Phelphor, of the Deep

      Phelphor, of the Deep

      It's a bold gambit, let's see if it will pay off

  4. Reminder to stop going to bed at 5:32 AM

  5. Hello. You are loved and you are love. Venture forth and generate smiles.

  6. "Canola oil, or canola for short, is a vegetable oil derived from a variety of rapeseed..."

    1. ~ P O L A R I S ~

      ~ P O L A R I S ~

      Enjoy those potato chips! ^_^

    2. Ryusei the Morning Star
    3. UltimateIRS


      to quote a certain duck:



  7. To all the Gregs, don't get caught slippin cuz in 9 months, she gon be trippin somebody gon get gregnant, somebody gon get gregnant WATCH OUT WATCH OUT somebody gon get gregnant...

    1. ENMaker


      word up my niglet

  8. Why is Dino Thunder topping in the OCG but not in the TCG when we have 3 Gold Sarc and Oviraptor? '_'

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~ P O L A R I S ~

      ~ P O L A R I S ~

      Interesting, but in that case it really is just Needlefiber and does Dino Thunder benefit from Needleborrel plays any more than say Sky Strikers etc?

    3. goodfusion


      Well we have Danger! and they don't, idk how much that affects it.

    4. The Nyx Avatar

      The Nyx Avatar

      My favorite Power Rangers series.

  9. Had a most unpleasant encounter with a *7*-material Rhongomyniad tonight. I'm funked up right now.

    1. Draconus297


      Let me guess: They had a few Extra Swords?

    2. ~ P O L A R I S ~

      ~ P O L A R I S ~

      Nah, four Six Samurai under a Bamboozling Gossip Shadow under another couple Six Samurai under Rhongomyniad. Six six Samurai in total. :6 It's unaffected by everything, can't be destroyed by battle, and can't be Kaiju'd because you can't Summon anything. I outed a 5-material Rhongomyniad in game 2 by sitting on Vijam until it detached but the 7-mat in game 3 after my Droll got Called was sad times.

    3. Phelphor, of the Deep
  10. Waiting on Rata to get from Belgrade to talk about the new train be like :LLLLLLLLL

  11. HAHAAA every time an instance of the north star comes up whether it be in the sky, the books, the movies, or what have you, you have to think of MY ASS! Ha HAA AAAAHHH

    1. ~ P O L A R I S ~
    2. Tourmaline


      Well unlike the rest of these losers I get to think of your ACTUAL ass which I have seen in way too much detail

  12. "Finally, an unexpected 60 Card Pendulum Magician Deck is sitting at Table 10. It wasn’t clear if Magicians would be able to keep up after the Forbidden & Limited List, but they seem as resilient as ever." HAHAHAHA shoutout to Trif Gaming.

    1. ~ P O L A R I S ~
    2. Just Crouton

      Just Crouton

      the madmaning is spreading, we will rule the game

  13. Pulled Engage today! Biggest pull of my life thus far. xD

    1. Spinny


      congratulations on your engagement! Who's the lucky man?

    2. ~ P O L A R I S ~

      ~ P O L A R I S ~

      Me, I am feeling skystruck and mobilized! :>


      Though tbh more hype for playing Vampires, got the core for that between the stuff I pulled and the stuff I traded Fur Hires for.

    3. goodfusion


      Just checked the price for that, holy moly.

  14. Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage! is the most expensive Spell Card ever obtainable in a pack.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      What a defeatist attitude. I introduced the OCG banlist to my locals, and it caught on. Won't get anywhere if you don't try.

    3. VCR_CAT


      Yeah, but you're still buying from the TCG market. It's not like "playing OCG" does anything to get you away from western secondary market prices.

    4. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      No? I just order OCG cards


      It's less expensive even if you count shipping

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