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About Larxene

  • Birthday 06/27/1992

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  • Location
    Ruins of Makai.

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  • Skype
    Find my alternate account, and you'll find my Skype.

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  1. Stop with the shipping statuses you're all dumb.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ryusei the Morning Star
    3. Larxene


      You just replied to a status that is over 3 years old. I think you've already established your own stupidity.

    4. Ryusei the Morning Star
  2. Not all of us feel the same. Now get your ass back here so I have someone interesting to talk to.

  3. Clairex, your fall from grace is rather interesting. It's funny to think about life here four years ago, no?

    1. Larxene


      Meh, I wouldn't call it a fall from grace. More like I just stopped caring enough to even come here anymore. (Plus even if I still used that name, which I don't, you still spelled it wrong.)

    2. Mehmani


      I forgot the "i."

  4. Hahaha, here I am just laughing at all the dead.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Larxene


      Let's all take a swim, and get eaten by crocodiles.

    3. Marisa Kirisame-ze

      Marisa Kirisame-ze

      Seriously curious to know how you've been and what's been going on in your life. Also, oh god, it's actually my favorite thing about YCM to reminisce about when you used Clariex, typed in purple, and said "lolx" to about everything.

    4. Larxene


      Please. Do not remind me.

      Though to answer your question, nothing much in particular. But nothing that I shall discuss openly on YCM.~

  5. Lesbians. Lesbians everywhere.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Agro


      Or it's neither. It just IS.

    3. Jolta


      Rape is plain bad.

      Lesbian rape, on the other hand, is totally cute.



      Lesbians are good when they film themselves in the act :D

  6. Hussie broke Newgrounds.

  7. I bet I could kick all your asses in Harmony of Despair with Shanoa.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ярополк Пономарёв

      Ярополк Пономарёв

      Especially since I don't play that game.

    3. Larxene


      Eh I have it on PS3, so I'm not nearly as leveled. Because it only just came out.

      And my leveling progress has slowed due to Batman being out.

    4. Lunar Origins

      Lunar Origins

      Xbox360 owner here, though I never play it anymore. The 360, that is. And, since I've preordered Skyrim for the PC, I think that trend will continue.

  8. Friend of mine registered an account under the name 'Koifish'. And she can't get the activation email so yeah. Lettin' someone know for her sake, kay thanks~

    1. Phantom Roxas

      Phantom Roxas

      She should be a valid member now.

  9. Just got The World Ends With You. Again. For FREE.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Agro


      I just bought TWEWY too! Well, u got, i bought. The point is: we're all getting it for the same reason.

    3. The White Wolf

      The White Wolf

      *has never played it*

    4. Agro


      *blows altair/SSD's head up*


      wats that u say?

  10. OH MY f***ing GOD. NEKU IN KH3D. I AM FLIPPING MY s*** HERE.

    1. Agro
    2. burnpsy


      About 2-3 hours slow, dude.

  11. I'll do it for you via TeamViewer if you like. http://summaxr.com/mumble foar guydz

  12. But I'm so laaaazy.

  13. You have pretty much been replaced as number 1 most hated member, how does it feel b****?

    1. Larxene


      Yeah, I have no idea who you are. So if I haven't heard of you, I don't think it counts.

  14. Touhou 13 was a big f***ing disappointment.

    1. Ieyasu Tokugawa

      Ieyasu Tokugawa

      Doesn't pretty much everything disappoint you?


      Or is that just people?

    2. Larxene


      It's usually just people. Not everything disappoints me.

      The second Koumajou Densetsu, despite its flaws, was actually quite good. That wasn't a disappointment.

  15. Harry Potter is one of those series where yes, the plot seems a bit forced at times due to the huge amounts of Deus Ex Machina and all that. But it has good and interesting characters. Just not the main characters. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but the best thing I can compare it to is Naruto. Of the main characters, Hermione is probably the only one that is actually a decent character. But aside from her, all the best characters are the ones that are significantly less important, and are mostly just there to support the main characters. The same is true in Naruto. The main 3 characters? All idiots. But I like most of the side characters, like Shikamaru or Shino even.
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