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Not-so-Radiant Arin

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Not-so-Radiant Arin last won the day on September 29 2013

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About Not-so-Radiant Arin

  • Birthday March 27

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  1. https://gyazo.com/a57716fecc79ba965be1c064344b10b0 I don't mean to alarm anyone but I think I may have found the next Skate game.
  2. Finally, having a day off from work feels so nice.

  3. You know what? XC2 looks like s***, honestly. lol

  4. Alright, YCM. This is between you and me and I am fully trusting you to keep this 100% secret for me. I hate Tales of Berseria.

    1. a bad post

      a bad post

      :O hOW daRe you haVE An oopInon!?!?

    2. Maeriberii Haan

      Maeriberii Haan

      why do you have to keep that a secret anyway?

  5. https://i.gyazo.com/43ff0ae38b1812fdedc72b8987fa008a.jpg What are we thinking here? And I mean, the picture quality overall, not the size of the girls' boobs.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shradow


      I feel like the size and spacing of the face bits could use slight tweaks, their faces look a bit off to me.

    3. (GigaDrillBreaker)


      That isn't how boobs work

    4. Not-so-Radiant Arin

      Not-so-Radiant Arin

      @Parentheses: Yeah, I already ran that by my artist. Hoping he'll fix it all up.


      (This isn't the final version by the way. Just wanted to post for other critique. I don't have a very good artist's eye.)

  6. What if I actually wanted to get back into Vanguard? .... Nah, WiXoss is better.

  7. Tales of Berseria for $30? YES PLEASE

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vla1ne


      it's worth the money though. trust me. if you can find it for cheap, get it, but if not, know that it'll be 60 well spent dollars.

    3. mitchermitcher


      if your pc can run it you should just sink it for nier. wish mine could, i'd be playing it right now but unfortunately i have a laptop.

    4. Not-so-Radiant Arin

      Not-so-Radiant Arin

      I have no doubt my rig can run it. Even with the terrible PC Port issues the game has been having. The only problem is $41 is steep when the game has terrible PC Port issues.

  8. I can't take these YCM Awards seriously.

    1. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      Did you not see my votes? How are those not serious?

    2. BoJack Horseman

      BoJack Horseman

      U-uwaah?! I-I thought this was what kids liked these days!


      A teacher who doesn't know her students is... -whimpering and sniffling-

  9. Why am I staying up until 3 in the morning watching speedruns of Borderlands 2?

  10. I like how I got this new computer for the sole purpose of being able to make my fighting game on here. Instead what do I use it for? Playing Borderlands 2 in 60 FPS on Ultra settings.

    1. mido9


      pls be active youre funny and creative and cool and stuff

    2. Not-so-Radiant Arin

      Not-so-Radiant Arin

      Aww, thanks.


      Now go away. Shoo. Away with ye, trespasser.

    3. King K. Azo

      King K. Azo

      You're making on to?


      And crap, I know that's what I'm gonna do...

  11. This is secretly the final boss of Bloodborne.

  12. I'd like to reiterate that Minthe is the worst SV legendary in the game rn.

  13. Why is the NieR: Automata OST so f***ing amazing?

  14. Damn, this was a little late, but still.
  15. I first heard Kendrick Lamar a few days ago, probably about a week ago, just to be safe. I thought he was terrible. His voice purposely cracking made him feel like he wasn't a genuine rapper. Feel free to disagree (looking at you, Dad).

    1. Dad


      Idk what you listened to so I'm not gonna disagree with you. Your opinion is yours.

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