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    Chicago, IL

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  1. Doing a bunch of work on my Minecraft server tonight, swing by :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wahrheit


      What do you mean you can't?

    3. ~~~~


      well I use ubuntu and I think I get some error message when I try to download or install it. Something to do with not having apt or something.

    4. Wahrheit


      install apt lol

  2. Roxas you're chill fam don't be rude to yourself

  3. tfw you finally fix something that's been broken for literal years

  4. Dad and Dae saying they'll come to my GoT watch party on Sunday is my favorite thing to happen all week

    1. Wahrheit


      I'm only linking this because I had to google it lol

    2. ~British Soul~

      ~British Soul~

      I had to google it too.

    3. ~~~~


      eww! That's pornographic!

  5. tfw you get MVP in HOTS but lose anyway

    1. mido9


      Tassadar with 0 deaths, right?

    2. Wahrheit


      Abathur with top damage across both teams and top exp

    3. Umbra


      gg report my team 1v9

  6. PSA: Moana is on Netflix

  7. Wow.

    1. ~ P O L A R I S ~

      ~ P O L A R I S ~

      evilfusion used to be the epitome of levelheadedness amongst the mods.

    2. The Nyx Avatar
    3. Wahrheit
  8. I finally finished my 20-page paper!

  9. I have a paper due tomorrow. See y'all later.

    1. Wahrheit


      How do you write like you're running out of time? How do you write like you need to survive? How do you write every second you're alive, every second you're alive, every second you're alive?


    2. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      Did I delete my comment accidentally? Oops.

      Good luck man.

  10. Whoever reported a damn cooking thread deserves the bad juju that comes to them.

    1. Show previous comments  61 more
    2. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      Do you really need to say that when that has been all you were saying?

    3. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      You actually think that's all I was saying? That's...baffling, but okay.

    4. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      No, there is more. I am just tired to put thought into my words. You have been echoing that, with more to add.

  11. The Heavens aren't dangerous enough as-is, so I'm going to give the Sharpshooter mobs an exploding arrow skill. 8)

  12. I solved a problem that had been bothering me for months. I'm so happy. (Come play Minecraft ya scrubs; mc.summaxr.com - we're on 1.12 now)

    1. ~~~~


      I would but I can't get java 8 or an equivalent to work :(

    2. Wahrheit


      PM me and we'll see if we can get it sorted.

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