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Mecha Love

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Mecha Love last won the day on January 26 2012

Mecha Love had the most liked content!

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  1. Ok, You hate me anyways. 3

  2. Get back on Skype 3

  3. Could anyone supply me with decklists for Gusto, Infernity and Naturia. They need the ability to sync 8. Thanks.

  4. Ok. Need decks for the End Dragon users in a fic.

  5. Rick Astley DN Music? What blasphemy is this?!

    1. Greiga


      Horrible Power

  6. *Mumbles* Trolled..... jajaja LC, que gracioso ._.

  7. April fools ends at midday. Idc about timezones ;_;

    1. .Leo


      according to ycm, it ends whenever the f*** they want it to.

    2. Kitty


      I know how to end it! *looks at log off button*

    3. .Leo
  8. Gah! I want to work on my End Dragon archetype, but I've got no inspiration! Damn!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Demon Loki

      Demon Loki

      you have much spare time?

    3. Mecha Love

      Mecha Love

      Meh, just do a few every so often. I don't plan to finish soon Dx

    4. Demon Loki

      Demon Loki

      Well good luck on your set, mate!

  9. Guys, the statue of liberty is a massive weeping angel....

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ❤ Lovely Warrior ❤
    3. Mecha Love

      Mecha Love

      Watch: Blink, Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone. Be very afraid.

    4. ❤ Lovely Warrior ❤

      ❤ Lovely Warrior ❤

      OAO Now I don't want to.

  10. Arise! The End Dragons!

  11. Put a deck name as "Set fire to Rain", DN cuts out the n.... "Set fire to Rai". Ouch. DN is cruel...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mecha Love
    3. Mecha Love

      Mecha Love

      *pours Tea, scones by the side*

      Now let's sort this out, like proper british gentlemen.

    4. Astolfo
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