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Desu the Blue Nerd

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About Desu the Blue Nerd

  • Birthday 12/01/1995

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Land of Silhouettes and Crystals
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    Probably Desperado or some bullsh*t, I dunno.

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  1. Crab's trying to steal my spotlight. What the f*ck?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      I've seen Desu around before. *shrugs* Just another regular person.

    3. Thar


      Boston Butt's the best, tho

    4. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      You must not have heard much, cause Crab Helmet is my personal sex toy.

  2. None of you fuckwads understand the swag of Kaka's semen.

  3. Flame Dragon, how could you? Don't you remember the prophecy?

  4. So I've been told to stop weebing over Love Live. I was inclined to agree. SO ANYBODY WATCH SHINGEKI NO BAHAMUT? IT'S REALLY GOOD!

    1. Rodrigo



  5. Looks like I have no choice. NOTICE ME, NICO-SAN!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      Shouldn't take advice from me?

      b**** please I invented YCM marriage. ;)

    3. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      YCM marriage was a thing long before you were. You think you were also the inventor of burgers from McDonald's?

    4. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow
  6. I'm actually Kakashi Hatake. Mods, as much as I dislike you, I leave this injustice in your hands.

    1. Raine


      My lover left his body vacant, years ago.

    2. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      I paid these whores to do what they want. It better be worth it.

  7. Which reminds me. I should remind that amnesiac Kaka that I don't give a funk.

  8. Kaka thinks Texas is in the Midwest. Let's all point and laugh.

  9. I feel nothing.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Rodrigo


      I mean, black people usually have long dicks.

    3. Raine


      Bananas, Brazil Nuts, FIFA, Sugar Cane.... the rainforest... Portuguese... Farevas.... and... love making? HE KNOWS THAT!

    4. Dementuo


      Love making should involve Raine and I.

  10. Something tells me that Shard likes dick.

    1. Thar


      I always had a hunch.

    2. iCherries


      Everyone knew this.

      Or at least I already did.

    3. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      Is that his natural hair color?

  11. Guys, Lora punched me. Now I officially believe I'm actually here.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Thar


      Tbf, Hell is more than just YCM. MUCH more.

    3. Agro


      Hell is everything in Desu's wake.


      *plays western theme*

    4. Thar


      Ain't no grave can hold his body down~

  12. Catterjune, you may be dreaming of becoming a butterfly in the summer, but to me, you're just a worm falling into my arms in the winter.

    1. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      Sorry, Ain. Gotta have my seasons right before I let things cook.

    2. Maeriberii Haan

      Maeriberii Haan

      Sure, sure.


      Now this sounds more romantic.

  13. Make me a sandwich, Pika.

    1. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      That's sexist. Pikachus matter.

    2. Jord200


      I thought she left.

    3. Thar


      She's still around, just not very active.

  14. I am above this.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Simping For Hina
    3. Tourmaline


      Thar he might be talking about the ground or something.

    4. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      I respect the ground, though. I can step on it all I want and it'll never revolt against being stepped on.

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