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Simping For Hina

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Simping For Hina last won the day on January 8

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About Simping For Hina

  • Birthday 12/23/1996

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    Wherever Hina is

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  1. Where all light shines, it leaves behind a shadow; Where that shadow remains is where darkness resides. Eventually all light will die, and all that is left is bleak, black, dark. To end the light, I bring forth DARKNESS NEOSPHERE
  2. I should add to it: 14 years here, and I still think of this place fondly. It is where I met my wife, it is where I found my passion, and it is a place I am just be. Thanks for all the joys, YCM, as what you were and what you are :)

    1. Thar


      I'm thankful for your wife, too.

    2. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      Isn't Hina just that wonderful? I am glad other people think so, too :)

  3. banned for lame ass excuses that you call banworthy
  4. Awe, thank you. Hina doesn't tell me this often, so it is nice to hear.
  5. Banned for your anti water rhetoric
  6. There is much more that took place than this, but here's the card I used to propose to her. It was meant to be like the prize cards from Duelist King.
  7. Tbh, I don't know enough about the game to really do anything. I would like a draft/limited format to sustain power creep, if anything. The rate the game gets more impossible join for newbies is a real problem.
  8. Glad we, or I guess Hina, cleared it up. She is always better at that than I am.
  9. I don't even know how to entertain this. Really, it just kinda stings to read this.
  10. We did journey to see each other when it started; now, not so much. We started online, realistically, and across borders. This is a stupid way to address if I have anything special planned soon. For her? Maybe Christmas, partly my birthday, but we just finished Thanksgiving and she is still against celebrating, so it is always fun making her just a little mad at me.
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