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Simping For Hina

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Simping For Hina last won the day on February 19

Simping For Hina had the most liked content!

About Simping For Hina

  • Birthday 12/23/1996

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    Rewas's Vagina, Oregon

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  1. I say we ban CowCow for wanting to ban Horu for wanting to ban campaigning against banning other members. That type of behavior builds a toxic community. Instead, politely talk to said member directly and learn how to best address each other so you can come to terms and hopefully work on even ground.

    Didn't someone (probably me) start a campaign #DownWithCow?

  2. The card I used to propose to Hina with. That's in the private collection, though.
  3. just out here remembering where we first met, babe

  4. damn i miss u

    1. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      they were on NCM not long ago!

    2. LazerSwordKirbo


      The site says that they last visited in 2022.

  5. yall need more people being mean to you some kid literally said "im a clean cumslut" in front of me wtf not just my wife the smartest personn i know
  6. nah my life is pretty fucking rad i feel bad for teenagers yall are a depressing lot but you make me feel better about myself all the time
  7. https://www.cardmaker.net/profile/200253-tourmaline/
  8. I'm fucking old and using a children's card game site the fuck is @Mr. Best Male 2008 still posting ask me anything
  9. ya'll not ready for the shit i am about to drop

    mixtape 2015 style, pure fire

    new cards, new rules

    just u wait, this place gonna be like a sabrina carpenter concert.

  10. pls only talk to me between 1:04 EST and 1:09 EST thank you for respecting my hours but like it is something real to be that professional on a dying children's card game forum i love yall
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