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About Raine

  • Birthday 05/06/1994

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    2 star to the left and straight on til morning
  • Interests
    Being that bad ass who dies but is a universal fan favorite.

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  1. ~You're a big girl, and you've gotten too fat, and your pants don't fit anymore~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shradow


      UBW really is fantastic, but I'm also super excited for the Heaven's Feel movies. From what I understand from a friend who's read the VNs not a lot happens in Fate, so I care less about that one.

    3. mitchermitcher


      It's not that not a lot happens in Fate, it's just that Fate is sorta the setup route, so it has a typical-feeling plot progression. Unlike the other two routes it doesn't go too indepth into Shirou so it's not as interesting.

    4. Shradow


      That's what I figured.

  2. I have it on good authority, that in the next 10 - 20 years all political disputes and wars will be settled with choosen champions weilding nerf katana fights on those water jetpack things duking it out to first blood.

  3. I like my friends how I like my enemies, close.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dova


      I like my friends how I like my cards. Freaks of nature.

    3. Raine


      Cow if you slept with my mother, you wouldn't be here. She's like the Hope Diamond, everyone who wears her dies.

    4. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow
  4. Fairy Odd Parents has the best kid's writing out there. "Running away from your problems doesn't solve anything, but it's great cardio." Timmy wishes he was invisible: T: "Sweet, you can see right through me" Wanda: "Sweetie, you're 10. You're not that hard to figure out."

    1. TF2_The_Scout


      Fairy World is a communist dictatorship.

    2. Face McShooty

      Face McShooty

      Too bad kids shows aren't written like that anymore... Except Girl Meets World

  5. I have a superpower. Everyone who sings to me dies immediately after the last verse.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      What if they stop halfway, does the end automatically count as the last verse?

    3. Snatch Steal

      Snatch Steal

      We are fighting dreamers

    4. VCR_CAT


      what if the song ends on a chorus?

  6. People who suggest that the high school girl and the single father in Sweetness and Lightning are a pairing, is the reason we can't have nice things.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jord200




      *sighs* Some people...

    3. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      How old is said single father?

    4. Shradow


      Have you read the manga? This is something I read from one of the comments on an episode: "In the manga Kotori hints that she initially started cooking with Kohei because at first she was interested in him or had a crush, but since then it's evolved into a more deeper feeling for both him and Tsumigi that she isn't ready to face yet."


      So apparently it actually might become a thing. Also I totally ship them.

  7. Watching Amagami SS, it's like they actively tried to make ALL the cliches in the first 2 episodes. Which kind of sucks, because the characters have decent designs so far.

    1. goddamnit names are a pain

      goddamnit names are a pain

      It's actually a very great show that ends up giving a lot of personality quite a number of their cast.

      Not all of them, but a rather good amount.


    2. Raine


      I got through Kaoru's arc, it's okay. It's such a B anime, it doesn't try anything new and the writing is subpar. The only redeeming factor is that the character designs are pretty good, except MC who seems to change from girl to girl to be a WORSE choice for each of them sometimes. Honestly...

  8. 父 母 俺 だれ? 父 母 あれ、 だれ?
  9. Yeah, I called someone! I called your mom! ...I'm not even making that about me. She's a sweetheart and a joy to be around.

  10. The patented Kyou-Ryou Paradox is a strategy created in order to exit 2-girl harems. It has a 90% success rate, but narrow conditions, it's been suggested it may be a solution for the infamous Oregairu Season 2 Problem.

  11. I want to come off as cold, composed, and calculating on this site. how do I do that YCM?

    1. Snatch Steal

      Snatch Steal

      I'm afraid that only works around new members

  12. Just watched FMA: Sacred Star of Milos. I forgot how much I missed the Elric brothers. That animation was so damn pretty too!

  13. Best out of context quote goes to, "It looks like she managed to put the wiener in my mouth"

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