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About CrystalCyae

  • Birthday 06/08/1999

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  1. Crys! It's been a long time - how have you been? Anyway, Dharc and I want to restart the Cygrus RP...yet again. Would you be interested in joining us for the fourth time? :3

  2. I'm regretting looking up the Homestuck tags on tumblr, holy s***. I asm so glad I read the update before I read the tag, or I'd have flipped out so hard.

  3. No, Mom, you don't understand. At 10 the pokemon announcement comes. I can't go to bed then. 10 more minutes pweeeeeze? :(

  4. I am f*cking terrified. My mom is incredibly pissed and she just swore at me. All because i threw a plastic case in the bin. :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CrystalCyae


      It's just the watch, but she says we can't fix it and we need to return it. so she's like 'where is the box'. And then she swore when I said I'd thrown it out, and she'd just taken the rubbish out. Digging through rubbish doesn't sound fun. That's really the reason she was pissed.

    3. Captain Murphy ☆

      Captain Murphy ☆

      Oh... well she does have a legitimate reason to be pissed

    4. CrystalCyae


      Well, yes, but it's still pretty terrifying considering she's usually not angry. Though she's calmer now, thank god.

  5. I feel like my house is like Opelucid City in White 2. It's got lots of older stuff - outdated by all the high tech modern standards - and its cold. :|

  6. Google Chrome being as annoying as usual. Someone tell me how to make it stop making words like 'love' show a stupid advert about stuff. IT. KEEPS. HAPPENING.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zazubat


      As Dem said, Firefox is way better (even if it crashes DN all the time -.-')

    3. CrystalCyae


      From personal experience, Firefox is good but it works horribly with the computer I had. I'm sorta stuck with Google because I am no way using IE again.

    4. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan
  7. The one time Youtube does anything right, and it's a parody. How does the world even work.

    1. CrystalCyae


      There's a Youtube Rewind video that Youtube made. And it's basically a parody of different famous videos and channels this year.

    2. Spirit of DMG

      Spirit of DMG

      How does the world work? Just barely.

  8. Just caught up with Ava's Demon in about an hour. Jeezuz the art style is so glorious and beautiful.

  9. Is it bad that I dreamt of having a massive argument with my mother and it happened at school and she ended up getting in a stranger's car and left because she was really pissed? My imagination, really -.-

    1. CrystalCyae


      its more so me just not liking my mother as much as would be healthy. I don't know what she thinks.

      I'm just glad it was just a really weird dream I had and not real life. That would be horrible and I probably wouldn't be on the computer right now.

  10. Oops it was a language award go figure. Dammit I'm not good at languages other than English >.

  11. Going to an awards ceremony shortly. Since I was invited this apparently means I actually won something? Better not be a language award or I will flip a table.

  12. Ok so if 2012 marks the end of the 5125 year cycle and its the end of the world, wtf happened at the end of the last one? Y'know, around 3115BCE? This is a completely serious question.

  13. For once, I'm cleaning. My computer, that is. I have a feeling CCleaner will be running for a while to get rid of all that s***. And while it does that, I'll delete some other files. I'm a good girl.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CrystalCyae


      Of course.

      The Dem is a huge giveaway, y'know. :D

    3. Miror B

      Miror B

      And I just have my Meta :<

    4. CrystalCyae



      It's ok, you're still awesome regardless :D

  14. Oh ok, so the most recent page of the Fantroll Critique on the mspa forums has malware? JEEZUZ FCK OFF GOOGLE CHROME I JUST WANNA LOOK AT THINGS

  15. Finally. FINALLY. Technic Launcher works on my computer! I'm basically squeeing like a dumbass right now. SQUEE

    1. Sweetie Belle

      Sweetie Belle

      I don't know what that it, so I automatically assume it's porn.

    2. Aix


      it's a minecraft modpack

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