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FTW (For The Wynn)

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About FTW (For The Wynn)

  • Birthday 12/09/1989

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    Your Imagination
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    If I said "Kattobingu", how much effort would you need to restrain yourself?

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    If you want this, just tell me :P

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  1. Don't know if you know, but your character from Trio of DEF has made a reappearance in Trio of DEF II . . .

    1. FTW (For The Wynn)

      FTW (For The Wynn)

      I haven't actually been following that, but I'll have to read about that.


      Thanks Jake ^^

    2. Jake the Sage

      Jake the Sage

      No problem. I'd say it's a good story but then again I am COMPLETELY biased (XD)

  2. So, for anyone interested, it looks like Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru Anime Season 2 has been confirmed.

    1. Tentacruel


      I can't even say that.

    2. FTW (For The Wynn)
    3. Wildflame


      I can :D But never saw the anime

  3. I won $100 today. A good end to a bad day.

    1. goddamnit names are a pain

      goddamnit names are a pain

      Lucky you =D

      Hope tomorrow is an even better day.

    2. FTW (For The Wynn)

      FTW (For The Wynn)

      lol thanks. I certainly hope so.

  4. If you heard about that stabbing spree that happened earlier, I live right down the road from there. What a day.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FTW (For The Wynn)

      FTW (For The Wynn)

      And here I thought that area was relatively safe.

    3. Tourmaline


      The weird thing is that both of these things happened in the last two years. Prior to them, nothing ever happened here.


    4. (GigaDrillBreaker)


      SWAT had to fire tear gas into my neighbors house after he holed himself up in there evading the police who were after him for charging at people at a nearby safeway WITH A F****** SAMURAI SWORD

  5. Finally got my haircut. Went from an afro to a near buzzcut.

    1. Tourmaline



      My hair is like...

      Almost shoulder length.

    2. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      I got mine too short, so I have to let it grow a bit before I can wear hats again.

    3. FTW (For The Wynn)

      FTW (For The Wynn)

      Mine would have been if it were straight.

  6. It took me years, but I finally found a use for my Steam account. Gaben, eat your heart out.

  7. holy hell when did you get back

    1. FTW (For The Wynn)

      FTW (For The Wynn)

      A week, maybe 10 days ago. I'm not very active because I have a busy schedule, but I still talk once in awhile.

  8. The first card I make in a year, and I can't help but feel inspired to make essentially a plot device.

  9. My first status in probably 2 years and the only thing I feel like saying is that apparently The Eye of Timaeus is a confirmed Spell Card.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Maeriberii Haan
    3. VictorSempra
    4. FTW (For The Wynn)

      FTW (For The Wynn)

      Well, since they are making a new structure deck for HERO monsters, why not?


      Then they can make an Xyz version of BEWD.


      After that they can have Yugi and Atem become Pendulum Monsters themselves so that the heart of the cards might really guide your hand.

  10. A friend of mine got me hooked on celebrity phone pranks.

  11. I'm fully convinced that my house is going to fall apart and crush me at this point.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FTW (For The Wynn)

      FTW (For The Wynn)

      Well, at least the hat will hide the spider from my view and my shame from everyone else.

    3. Cute Rotten Yoshika

      Cute Rotten Yoshika

      groverhaus has load bearing drywall http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7zPiTHjzVI

    4. FTW (For The Wynn)

      FTW (For The Wynn)

      That will be me pretty soon.

  12. Hello stranger.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. FTW (For The Wynn)

      FTW (For The Wynn)

      I can't see any updates to this anymore. lol

    3. Sondance
    4. FTW (For The Wynn)

      FTW (For The Wynn)

      Well, if you want to continue, shoot me a PM. Those still work.

  13. So, odd fact about me. My favorite song by Journey is not Don't Stop Believin' or Open Arms. Hard to believe, isn't it?

    1. beaver333
    2. FTW (For The Wynn)

      FTW (For The Wynn)

      Older than most people here.

  14. the best commercial of all time.
  15. I posted the first interview. Enjoy guys.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FTW (For The Wynn)

      FTW (For The Wynn)

      Considering you have to ask that, I'll take your answer as a "no".


      But, I was being more metaphorical.

    3. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      Quite frankly it doesn't matter either way.

    4. FTW (For The Wynn)

      FTW (For The Wynn)

      I thought that's what you'd say.

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