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Mr Dr Professor Spaz

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Mr Dr Professor Spaz last won the day on December 13 2018

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About Mr Dr Professor Spaz

  • Birthday 04/28/1997

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    Under your bed. I found 50$ there.

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    Mr Spaz

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  1. Can I just pick this card as my Deck Master and insta-win every duel? https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Holactie_the_Creator_of_Light

    1. The Nyx Avatar

      The Nyx Avatar

      No. Because the Deck Master Effects and real card effects are not 1 to 1.

    2. Thomas★Zero


      I would think no because putting a Deck Master into play (Ruling wise I think but that would need to be looked into) would not offically count as a Monster Summon.

  2. Banned because I just feel like it.
  3. Banned because I just wanted to check if I still have mod powers here.
  4. Comment and all of your dreams will come true this Christmas.

  5. Red-Eyes Black Mech Dragon Level 8 DARK Dragon/Fusion/Effect Each time a "Red-Eyes" Monster is summoned, inflict 500 damage to the opponent. Once per turn: You can banish 1 Machine-Type or "Red-Eyes" Monster from your GY; this card gains 700 ATK until the End Phase. When this card is destroyed by your opponent's card (by battle or by card effect) and sent to the GY: You can add 1 of your banished Machine-Type or "Red-Eyes" Monsters to your hand. 2900/2500 Fire Hand + Ice Hand
  6. Which works better: Infernity Exodia or Infernity Psyframe?

    1. Blake


      Psyframe because the new link works with the deck technically speaking

  7. They need to put Pot of Desires in Duel Links

  8. Black Friday. Because only in America do we have a holiday to trample each other over cheap goods mere hours after being thankful for what we already have.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr. Best Male 2008

      Mr. Best Male 2008

      Canada does too tho


      Except we form nice lines



      Why do Canadians form lines to get trampled

    4. Thar


      It's called a wall of death

  9. Since you've yet to view the PM for the doubles tournament in SSS, I'll just post it in here. Availability? Do you want same teams or different teams if it goes to a second battle? (Frankly, I don't give a sheet either way. I have 6 teams, and I've been rolling a die to choose which team to use throughout this whole tournament)

  10. A vampire that's scared of the dark: "The light! It burns! ...The dark, it's dark and scary!"

    1. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      ...I want to make a character like that now.

      Granted usually they have some sort of night vision which would mitigate the fear, hm....

  11. If you ever feel like the world is against you, just remember that it probably doesn't care about you enough for that.

  12. Don't bring nachos to a fight. They will not protect you.

  13. Last comment wins +10 rep

  14. Vaccines are flat and Earth causes autism. Change my mind.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nicο


      Flat is justice.

    3. Thar


      Proud autists.

    4. mido9


      puriseu be patiend I hab audism

  15. July 4th. Somewhere in America, this is somebody's last day of having 10 fingers.

    1. vla1ne


      Sometimes, liberty and freedom also include the freedom to self mutilate your limbs.

    2. Catterjune


      Yes, I steal stuff off Reddit too

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