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Big Bad Pennar

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Big Bad Pennar last won the day on July 25 2011

Big Bad Pennar had the most liked content!


About Big Bad Pennar

  • Birthday 06/23/1991

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    Ryko Akima

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  1. Anybody play Fantasy Life? I've been looking for people for it

  2. Okay, i had to disable seeing Signatures because of some problems, but How do i re-enable them?

  3. Is it me or is something weird going on with the PMs here?

    1. Big Bad Pennar

      Big Bad Pennar

      nevermind, It looked like it was not working for a moment

  4. You do NOT wanna know how much I hate dead RPs!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Agro


      Every RP is a dead RP.

    3. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      Is there ANYBODY that likes them?

    4. Peridank


      If we hate them... then don't let them die.

  5. I really would suggest enabling your messenger, so people can actually help out...

  6. Hey Realistic Cards Mods, Are you that stupid to not realize that your Advanced Clause is going to start a repeat of what had happened when Umbra first tried to do an Advanced Clause for the Role-Playing Section? An All-Out War between a lot of the forum versus the very few supporting the clause will end horribly for you!

    1. Grunt Issun

      Grunt Issun

      Except that, as it seems, the advanced clause has worked out pretty damn well in the Role-Playing section.

      Who says it won't here?

    2. Big Bad Pennar

      Big Bad Pennar

      I'm saying this because the Inevitable War will happen, Exactly like how the RP Advanced Clause Had one

    3. Big Bad Pennar

      Big Bad Pennar

      "... The realistic clause in CC has been in effect for like, 3 months. Not to mention a huge portion of the section supports the advance clause and the RP section was vastly improved once it got more of a standard. "


      ... I have only have heard of the RC AClause TODAY Alright? I've checked RC quite often and never seen it until today

  7. There goes my vacation, I have to go to work tomorrow

    1. Sploda



  8. Woot, High chance of not working for Christmas Eve, In other news, My internet seems to like being a pile of crappy junk

  9. My own father's become more and more idiotic, I swear Mars can't compete against him in the contest of Stupidity cause He would just kick Mars TO THE MOON!!!!

    1. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      Let's have a dumbass dad off!

    2. NumberCruncher


      What did he do/say exactly?

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