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宇佐見 蓮子@C94

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宇佐見 蓮子@C94 last won the day on October 19 2023

宇佐見 蓮子@C94 had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About 宇佐見 蓮子@C94

  • Birthday 06/17/1999

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  1. T-toyo?

    1. (GigaDrillBreaker)


      This just in: inactive users check the forum on occasion

    2. (GigaDrillBreaker)
    3. ENMaker


      that's what led me to find the blessed election thread

  2. 青空だけが見たいのは我儘ですか

  3. Zi-O's Decade form is funking wild

    1. Super Chaos Sonic

      Super Chaos Sonic

      Double Time-Traveling powers?! MADNESS!! xD

  4. can someone much more knowledgable at standard than me explain why Nexus of Fate dropped almost 40 dollars from the start of August

  5. seems like nobody in pro can play through double widow anchor + impermanence + ash + multirole

  6. winter why'd you take 9 days to respond to the droll thread lmfao

    1. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      Got distracted, forgot, got distracted etc

  7. ive drawn iblee FIVE TIMES NOW

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ENMaker


      once i drew garnet 7 games in a row in a 60 card deck


      ygopro does this kind of sheet a lot

    3. Dova


      blame the system

  8. sky striker but every sky striker spell is quick-play

  9. leave it to Duncan 'Garbage Lord' Harbison to find an extra link combo with just normal summon Arma Knight

  10. when you beat boarder set 4 pass by tribute summoning psyframe driver OMEGALUL

  11. how do i stop opening 4 handtraps and metalfoes fusion asking for friend

    1. VCR_CAT


      related, how do I stop opening only the good enginestuff cards when I'm forced to go second in a match despite having sided all my bad-manners hand-traps in

    2. Phelphor, of the Deep

      Phelphor, of the Deep

      Friend is youse, comrade. I know it be true due to western meekro cameras

    3. Ninjask Is Bae

      Ninjask Is Bae

      Stop playing handtraps. Traps are gay anyway.

  12. are you actually going to c94

    1. 宇佐見 蓮子@C94

      宇佐見 蓮子@C94

      no but i have contacts who are

  13. 生きて、生きて、生きて、生きて、生きて、生きて、生きている。

    1. Thomas★Zero



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