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    My computer, duh!?

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  1. Damn, this place still exists. What a blast from the past...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rodrigo


      I somewhat remember you from 2011

    3. Mr. Best Male 2008

      Mr. Best Male 2008

      Who the funk are you

    4. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      I think I remember you, but I'm not sure. Maybe from 1v1.

  2. Elemental Dragons

    1. Miror B

      Miror B

      And then they Xyz.

    2. shelds9


      Pft who would do that


      O_o o_O

  3. Okay, newb question here, but how do you post a card from Yugico?? What code do you use??

  4. Where are some good places to find card images??

    1. Astolfo


      JazinKay is a pretty well-known person iirc.

    2. Astolfo



    3. shelds9


      Is there any specific people on DeviantArt? And yeah, I've used JazinKay a looooot so I'm tryin'a change it up.

  5. As much as I hate to admit it, Inzektors was actually Dragnuities made right...

  6. All of the people I got Card Images from haven't updated their sites in ages. Where do people get their pics nowadays??



      Probably with a ton of delving into Deviantart or Safebooru.

    2. Flame Dragon

      Flame Dragon

      I personally look for MTG cards that have sweet art.

    3. shelds9


      Hahaha indeed Magic has the best art ever hands down!!

  7. God i need to update my profile >_

  8. Yikes it's been a while.... Everyone I knew is probably non-existent anymore lol :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~Tico~
    3. shelds9


      Woah lol people know me??


      IDK you guys though, 'cept Corona, you guys get Username changes??

    4. shelds9


      The "Display Name History" thingy is too complicated >_< Idk lol but you like Vanguard soo...

  9. What is a single word that is eye-catching, and usually is tagged with an emotion of mystery and suspense? If you know what I mean.

    1. shelds9


      Thanks Capt. Ameri- I mean Obvious!

  10. Would anyone be interested in being a Beta Reader for my Yugioh Fan-Fic? I would like one or two more.

    1. shelds9


      +Reps are included.

  11. Hear ye! Hear ye! I am, in the name of the royal Jester King, requesting some Beta-Readera for his Yugioh Fic. Anyone up to the task? PS: Yes, I know codes don't work...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ·Toot


      Codes don't work in a status.

    3. shelds9


      You'd think in a 3 sentence status someone would read the whole thing >_<

    4. ·Toot


      It's not three sentences, but actually two. It's three lines if that's what you mean. :3

      P.M. I did read the while thing ;)

  12. How do you make a URL link?

  13. DN anyone?

    1. shelds9


      My name is shelds9


      PM me on DN

    2. TheUltimateGameMaster


      sure mine is DukeNukemForever

    3. TheUltimateGameMaster
  14. DN? I'm testing a fun deck.

    1. shelds9


      My name is shelds9


      PM me on DN for the Duel

    2. DragClaws Terra
    3. DragClaws Terra
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