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About Spoon

  • Birthday 10/15/1989

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  • Location
    Dortmund, Germany

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  1. Yes, Quiditch is an utterly stupid game. Yes, Harry Potter is a dumbass. Yes, the Story is a mess. Even what you said about the female characters made sense, never noticed it actually. But still, Harry Potter is a good book. Why? Because it sold over 500 million copies! It got people who never even touched a book before into reading! That doesn't make it's story or characters well conceived, but it makes the world a better place, because by God, more people should read books. You, as someone who obviously reads a lot and thinks about the things you read, should be grateful that this book was written, not because of the content, but because it's just there. I think no other book had that much of an impact on the youth of today and their reading behaviours. Just my 2 cents, your points are all still valid, it's just that you shouldn't hate the book for existing, it did something good :P
  2. Just got myself some Microsoft Points... what shall I buy? Up for debate are: Outland (800), Blade Kitten (800) and Limbo (1200). I have 1800 remaining :/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OmegaWave


      GET OUTLAND! Amazing platformer. Look up JoshJepson's Let's Play of it if you want a sneak peek. It's very good.

    3. Spoon


      Majority (1) says Outland... so yeah, it's settled :D

      Maybe I'll also buy Blade Kitten after that, but for the time being, I have my platforming fodder with Ms. Splosion Man and Outland.

    4. Bull3tM0nk3y


      Limbo for sure! I loved that game.

  3. Oh, you ARE from Germany :D

    Didn't noticed that xD

  4. hey can u help me i'm newbie how can i make a card like yours cards style???


  5. Thanks :) And yes, that's Welch ;)

  6. Just wanted to thank you for joining the Pop Culture Megaset :) Also that Avatar you have is very cute. Isn't that Welche from Star Ocean?

  7. That's cool mate. I just asked bout the fic because I have a character in it called Erin, and guess what she'll be using... lol.

  8. Check out the Nonary Game thread, there's somthing you should know...

  9. Gave you 3 reps for winning my contest. K bye.

  10. I will worship you if you change your name to Knife.

  11. did you visit my Image Archive??? I was try to PM you but there was no respond from you....

  12. Dortmund ja? Unterstutzen Sie ein team in der Bundesliga?

  13. soo wenig sind es nicht.

    Also hab schon 5-6 gefunden.

    Aber man sieht sie nunmal selten. ^^

    Gern geschehen^^

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