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About Raiza

  • Birthday 11/27/1996

Profile Information

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  • Location
    England FTW
  • Interests
    Learning to GFX, YGO, PS3 and anything pokemon related.

Raiza's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Call of Duty vs. Halo which is better?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raiza


      @ Purple: Smash Bros.?


      @ <3 : Halo Reach is pretty cool, but Black Ops looks amazing :D

    3. -Stoner-™


      Halo Reach, Halo 3 and down suck..Call of Duty sucks besides 4 and Mw2..but Halo has outdone themselves with Reach.

    4. Ωmega


      halo man live with it

  2. Considering leaving this site for a while...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Smashsquatch
    3. BT 


      man you still got a contest... If you dont make the card on time.. your eliminated

    4. Raiza


      Do you think that matters if I leave?

  3. heyt ur RP is picking up again!

  4. My name means "Rose" in hebrew o.O

    1. poopybuttoxes
    2. BT 


      And my name means BenTennyson abbreviated

  5. Nothing...is...happening...

  6. There should be a thread called: "101 Things To Do When Your Bored On YCM"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wardek


      5. Rate Cards

      6. Make Cards

      7. Buy somethings from a shop

      8. Do some requests on requests section.

      9. Eat some food.

      etc etc.

    3. The Final Messenger

      The Final Messenger

      10. Go Watch TV

      11. Go Watch Youtube

      12. Reply on Statuses

      13. Troll/Flame/Everything Else, on 4chan

      14. Go Play at a Playground or Something

      etc. etc.

    4. Wardek


      101% sure that i'll post it. :3

  7. Lost to Gob Zom in a YVD duel :'(

  8. Thinking of making a gift for one of my friends

  9. Please answer this: How do you fill with transparency on GIMP 2?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Catman25


      Ignore my pm pertaining to the subject, I see your problem is solved. :D

    3. The_Prince_of_Death


      I recomend using the rectangle select and the largest size for the eraser to take up a chunk of what you want to erase. but don't forget to shrink it down accordingly to what you leed when doing tigher spots...

    4. Raiza


      Whew just finished my sig. The reason I needed the transparency was for scanlines, which are epic xD

  10. Thinkning of making a super power RP but could do with a co host...

  11. Just thought of a deck idea: Froggy machine gun XD Involves using Substitoad and Mass Driver

  12. Any good RPs I should know about? They seem to be lacking a bit recently...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raiza


      Whats it about?


    3. The Final Messenger

      The Final Messenger

      Urmmm, Well, Uhhh, I Can't Really Describe It, cuz It's Still In Production

    4. The Final Messenger
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