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  1. thank you skirts

    It pwns, I know.

  2. I love your profile picture.

  3. Thnk you Hado, for know it has been few months since then!!

  4. Okay, I NEED people to join my B-Day Contest! Only 2 remain open!

  5. Please come and join my Birthday Contest! Every spot open!

  6. I'll battle in the duel arena with you. :'D

  7. okee dokee. You tied for third so check your messages!

  8. Now I have only 1 left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Check out my contest! I got 4 spots left!

  10. Scooby Dooby Doo

    1. Kuri


      where are you?

    2. ♠>:Stick-Man:<♠
    3. sirAragorn


      what do you meen where am i? Do you meen where i live where or what where?



  11. Yes i am it wont let me changed the name of my Eheros

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