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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I hate that f****ng worm archetype. It took me about 15 turns to beat that guy.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zextra


      The deck I use for fun can only OTK, but it's fairly simple for me to do so, and if it happens, there's no stopping it :D

    3. endphase


      @ Zextra: I play with a Spellcaster OTK deck, but I build it so I can use other strategies for if the OTK doesn't turn well.

      @ Kakashi: lol again

    4. endphase


      What OTK do you use, Zextra?

  2. Bored...I have no school for 5 days, but I'm bored.

  3. Making new archtype: the humanoid prototypes!

  4. On YCM, at school, again

  5. Too much noobs in realistic.

    1. £>-ShådøwBøx-<3


      Trying to be ironic are we?

  6. I'm a 4 star member now!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Super Half Vamp Riku

      Super Half Vamp Riku

      You do relize your a man now,you get to eat when you want and s*** when you want

    3. Ieyasu Tokugawa

      Ieyasu Tokugawa

      But not where you want. I made that mistake >.<

    4. endphase
  7. First I went to Rome for a week, and then a was sick for a week. But now I'm back. BTW what happened when I was sick?

  8. On YCM...At school...

    1. ExplosiveCrossbow


      I wish there was a "like" button

    2. ·Toot
    3. Lord Metallium

      Lord Metallium


  9. My teacher thinks he's the reincarnation of Alexander the Great...XD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raine


      Actually its 1700 years but I was just reiterating a point

    3. Raine


      I believe the earth has been around for 4.6 billion years as regarded by carbon dating if you asked if I'm christian the answer is yes but I'm deist so I answer everything through science and everything I can't though god until we find out the answer though science in which case the scientific answer is prefered.

    4. hexcalibrate


      i'm pretty sure i'm the reincarnation of the unknown soldier, my logic is that i have no idea about my past lives.

  10. Am I hallucinating, or are there really more noobs than yesterday?

    1. The White Wolf
    2. WTFauKorean


      im gonna do a name change when i can now XP

  11. Just saw the videos and pictures of the tsunami and earthquake in Japan...Wow.

    1. Lord Metallium

      Lord Metallium

      Aim really worried about our japanese brothers dammit i want to help them so bad but i can't do a thing DAMMIT DAMMIT!!!!!!!

  12. Just read the 2nd book of the Hunger Games. It's awesome!

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