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Embittered Moon

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About Embittered Moon

  • Birthday 08/21/1997

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  • Gender
  • Location
    US, Massachusets.
  • Interests
    I enjoy music, art, books, and philosophy. Pretty much anything that appeals to the spiritual and creative parts of life.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I haven't made or reviewed a card in so long

    1. vla1ne


      One day... One day you shall...

  2. Uh oh, I'm being sucked back into this website

  3. I say, what happened to smesh?

  4. back from a short vacation

  5. man this site is way less active than a couple of years ago. what's wrong people)

    1. bury the year

      bury the year

      You for caring so much about it? :/

    2. Embittered Moon

      Embittered Moon

      lol no it just feels weird

    3. Sander


      s*** happens, that's what wrong.

  6. I am black kabutops, hail me

  7. no school tomorrow



      I don't get days off school (besides weekends) until Halloween. :/

    2. Kitty


      No school for two weeks. ;3

    3. Embittered Moon

      Embittered Moon

      you get out of school on halloween? lol weird

  8. new name, same great rage

  9. damn theres no rep anymore *goes to change sig*

  10. damn theres no rep anymore *goes to change sig*

  11. sorry about the confusion guys, I'm going to continue RAGE's legacy though :D

  12. 3000 NOTIFICATIONS????!!!! JEEE-ZUSSSS!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Techi☺


      And Techi is being annoying and advertising his Code Geass rp by asking people to join it on their own status' *whistles*



    3. Embittered Moon

      Embittered Moon

      Kbye ... for another month ...

      *Logs off*

    4. Techi☺


      Damn, Foiled again! >_<

  13. many of you may have noticed I left, and most of you probably didn't care. I gave up YCM a while ago, and now I'm saying one final goodbye..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bahamut - Envoy of the End

      Bahamut - Envoy of the End

      How do you get 8,000 notifications?!?!


    3. .Ash


      Notifications can be easy to rack up. Notifications for responses to clubs for example.

    4. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      Subscribe to alot of threads or something.

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