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Lexadin last won the day on June 15 2011

Lexadin had the most liked content!

About Lexadin

  • Birthday 06/17/1993

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  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Anime, Pokémon, YGO TCG (duh), Science-Fiction, Fiction, The Paranormal, SCIENCE!!! (mostly ecology and larger animal live).

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  1. Whoa, what the heck? You're back?! Hey Lex =D

  2. Considering my life's mostly back to normal, I'm 90% sure I'll be returning to this site. I wonder how much it has changed during my absence.

  3. Just stopping to say hi, if you ever get back on that is, I don't blame ya, I hardly get on anymore but to leave a little blurp in my status......hope your okay...ttyl

  4. For some reason it's like Thunder Mania here for the last few days, and because of that I have a horrible connection. So I'll probebly won't be very active. Just noting for those who want to know.

    1. Bahamut - Envoy of the End

      Bahamut - Envoy of the End

      Could be worse, you could use Orange Wireless broadband. When everyday you have a horrible connection :D

  5. The Invisible Wall - the GazettE (lol @ the Engerisu) into Faustus - Dark Moor
  6. S.O.P.H.I.A. - Blood Stain Child
  7. Oh by the way, I passed my final exams.

    1. ·Toot


      Congrats my friend. What was your score?

    2. ~British Soul~
    3. Lexadin


      Thanks you all.

      @Toot.: An average of a 7/10

      @Crimson Thar: Nope I ussually pass everything, but this' worth mentioning imo.

  8. Champion Cynthia's Piano Theme into Set The World On Fire - Symphony X
  9. What's Up People - Maximum The Hormone into Jacks Lament - The Nightmare Before Christmas
  10. Worn Down Piano - Mark & Clark Band
  11. My finals start next week, wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ·Toot


      :O I wish you the best of luck mtg friend

    3. Demon Loki
    4. Lexadin


      Thanks for your support.

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