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About .Ash

  • Birthday 12/07/1993

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  1. listening to friends who have no idea about competitive ygo whine about the banlist is so painful

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. .Ash


      one said to limit onuncu @_@

    3. Spinny


      But limiting onuncu does nothing because he's a 1 of anyway...

    4. .Ash


      then you might understand how painful their discussion is to listen to

  2. must remember to go pick up a hoopa today, considering i completely forgot about the rayquaza event a small while back

  3. my brother is dropping competitive play and is selling full kozmo to a friend, no ghost ogre - £200 + madolche deck fair or no?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ihop


      yeah, that's a good deal, £200 for the core minus the madolche is about a fair price

    3. .Ash


      oki thanks for the input

    4. .Ash


      ugh he's about to drop his price to £150 and urghgghhhhh

  4. interesting thing - buying cheap kaiju stuff, remove brainwashing for dirt cheap, order a mixed set of ygo cards to bring my order to the £5 necessary for them to ship. get over 200 cards instead of 50 and like 9 soul charges and 6 wiretaps. profit?

    1. .Ash


      to add some more lol, i ordered 9 remove brainwashing, 2 tyrants throes, 3 rml and the 50 mix cards.

    2. Maeriberii Haan

      Maeriberii Haan

      Well, that's pretty nice-u.

    3. ~British Soul~
  5. haven't really used this site in a long time and what is vip membership

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      i am uncensored so that is all that matters/

    3. Maeriberii Haan

      Maeriberii Haan

      holy funk Ash you're still alive?

    4. .Ash
  6. world cup belongs to messi just saying

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. .Rai


      Messi just always looks so sad.

    3. Night


      Really wanted to see Nigeria tie it up since they were constantly neck and neck throughout the game.

    4. Rodrigo


      Messi is autist, he hates crowds. I understand, I'm just like him.

  7. god damn it spain what is wrong with you

  8. spend a few hours on final fantasy, brother decides he needs to charge his phone and unplugs the ps3. thanks bro

    1. Bahamut - Envoy of the End

      Bahamut - Envoy of the End

      What a jerk >=/


      You should cleave him in two with your buster sword

    2. jabber2033


      Hope you saved regularly...

    3. .Ash


      well i was just grinding i didn't need to save :[


      and then poof, like he could have charged his phone in his room or something but nope

  9. flame dragon is my alt account

  10. holy hell when did you get back

    1. FTW (For The Wynn)

      FTW (For The Wynn)

      A week, maybe 10 days ago. I'm not very active because I have a busy schedule, but I still talk once in awhile.

  11. i get the odd feeling that there may be some spambots around

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Flash Flyer - Sakura

      Flash Flyer - Sakura

      Yeah, their status messages make the forum look spammy.


      I reported a couple of them as well; just hopefully they get dealt with quickly.

    3. Cin


      I banned 4 already this morning and cleaned up after 3.

    4. Flash Flyer - Sakura
  12. had to deal with a ridiculously laggy game on hearthstone that took 2 minutes to connect and then get rushed by a shaman of all things. still won tho, truesilver is a champ

    1. Night


      Never been in-queue for longer than 20 seconds.

    2. .Ash


      my internet is garbage, i was under constant pressure to make the best play in the absolute minimum amount of time. i actually got lagged out of my first 3 turns too :/

  13. apparently heroes is coming back. i hope they just forget seasons 2-4 happened because season 1 was just so good

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Night


      I liked the artist who painted the future. He was pretty dope.

    3. .Ash


      yea isaac was my personal fave

    4. Tentacruel


      I'm watching it on Netflix now.


      I'm kind of eh on the whole thing. I like Hiro.


      Mohinder should die.

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