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Tourmaline last won the day on October 12 2019

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About Tourmaline

  • Birthday 08/18/1995

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  1. Why am I being talked about

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      Look, I am gonna try to be kind about this: I am not asking advice here, nor do I think you have anything useful or positive to say about my happiness. What I think you are trying to do is connect and add something to the conversation, but it is negative, borderline pathetic, and rather disparaging.

      I am sorry that you lost yourself and cannot handle your own emotions, but that is not the case here for me; I don't need to hear how "as long as you don't lose yourself" or some other bullshit has happened to you, even if you frame it as advice.

      Your feelings aren't the same as mine, and in this case, there is a world's difference of what I am capable of doing that you are capable of doing. You lost yourself, you sacrifice shit, because you are immature, it seems that you are selfish, and arrogant without having a ground to stand on. I don't need to hear anything from your position.

      If you want to be helpful, keep your negative comments to yourself or frame them in a much more personal way rather than how you did. If you have something to say about how I am acting or what I am doing, that is fine, then make it related to that.

      I am so sorry that my happiness seems to be an insult to you, and that you see it as something that you have already gone through; Hina and I are considerably happy, passionately together. The ways that I show my love are different than how she does, but I will let no one dictate how my feelings should be shown/performed, nor let anyone offer resolve in undermining the words I spill out into the world to show my passion.

      This is, if anything, between my beloved and I; I will have you know, her and I, our relationship to each other, is none of your concern nor do you have any say in it regardless of what you say about it. I am so sorry you couldn't handle your own emotions, I am sorry that you need to learn how to handle them first before you act on them, and I am so sorry that your own actions have acted as double-edge swords in trying to bring happiness while only inflicting sadness.

      I will let you know this: any other might happen, that I lose myself or hurt those around me; your advice isn't going to stop that from happening, but a 10 year long relationship is something you clearly know nothing of, when you can't even have a good relationship with yourself first.

      Kindly, shut the fuck up.

    3. Horu


      Honestly, I've matured a great deal since those events. I am also glad that you're happy.

      But yes, you are correct. I was selfish and I sacrificed for something that I thought I wanted. It was stupid and I strayed too far from who I actually am. Honestly, it was pretty stupid of me to commit that deeply to somebody at that point.

      I wasn't just giving advice and trying to connect. I was also reflecting on the situation and I honestly want yours to be a much happier story. 

      When I say that I was stupid to commit so deeply to somebody at a given point, I mean that it was also selfish because I allowed somebody I intended to be a distraction ended up becoming somebody very special to me. Granted, I still care a great deal for her but we have both moved on. I have personally done a lot of healing.

      You're also correct that my emotions were all over the place. But i should've taken the time to grieve the loss of friends and family between 2004-2008. Probably would've been a much better alternative than just shutting down and going cold. That being said, I learned from my past.

      But if you must know, I want everyone whom I consider a friend to be happy. Sorry if that "As long as you don't lose yourself" bit came off as an attack. It wasn't intended that way. It wasn't intended to be cryptic advice either. It also doesn't apply only to relationships. Apply it everything and simply follow your path to happiness.

      Also, you're welcome to message me if you wanna know anything else. Don't wanna continue spamming other users viewing the status.

      Happy holidays.

    4. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      Here you go again: offering advice.

      If you want to wish me anything, like I have said, "Kindly, shut the fuck up". Your reflection is selfish and aptly pathetic, thinking that it is anything close to the weight of mine.

      I am glad you recognized that you were stupid; you're being stupid here, too. Your reflection is irretrievably screwed up, if this is the context you place it in, since you are comparing my own situation to yours. Frankly, and obviously, it will never be: my story is not even close to yours, and you have no amount of experience to offer a worthwhile idea on that.

      You're repeating yourself: putting yourself forward and letting your own emotions skew how you develop relations, and here it is showing that you might have a different perspective on it, you haven't learned or grown from the past.

      I don't want to apply and think you should stop parading it around as if it is something insightful, because the first thing you are doing is putting yourself forward, acting as if you perspective is useful, addition, and worthwhile; what you should do, is again since you can't seemingly get it, "shut the fuck up".

      I want to be incredibly obvious here: advice is not something is needed, nor it is something that is useful. It is rather selfish and the signature of someone that can't get forward from their own place.

      So thank you: I will happily lose myself to Hina, I will happily put forth how much more important to me than I am to myself. She is my muse and my forward steps, and I will have you know, I can easily keep my own self prevalent in all of that thought. Part of the joy that comes with being with her is, also someone who knows much more than I and specifically you, "one who wanders is not always lost", and one who is lost is not always losing.

      Happy Holidays. I hope you grew.

  2. just out here remembering where we first met, babe

  3. I want you to start nursing me 

  4. My simp digivolved into a chad.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow
    3. Thar


      Mazel tov, Dae. You can finally afford Tier 2.

    4. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      And here I thought I was a chad before. Fuck.

  5. My IQ is over 130. I use a near moronic level of intelligence when replying because it isn't worth using anything beyond the most basic intelligence. I know this answer will make my seem like a complete asshole but that's essentially the opinion I hold of the vast majority of people I deal with. If I think somebody holds some level of intelligence beyond what I consider common sense, I will tell them.

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. Horu


      Anyway, I'm gonna leave Giga to his mental gymnastics to find a semi-intelligent insult to throw. It might be a bit challenging but I know it will eventually happen.

    3. (GigaDrillBreaker)
    4. Horu


      Anyway, when you think of something you think may be halfway to my standard, go ahead and post a new status. We're going to stop flooding Hina with notifications now. I'm sure you can understand that much.

  6. Banned for fawning over me without knowing me, wtf
  7. CowCow getting curbstomped in his own thread, on his own turf.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr Dr Professor Spaz
    3. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      I didn't even realize cowcow existed here now that he ran away to his shiny new forum

    4. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      I come by because I want to see if YCMaker follows through.

      And because I'm curious when I'll get de-modded lol

  8. I believe that traditions shouldn't be a way to set a certain line of thought, idea, or decision in stone. However I do think they're important to give people peace of mind and comfort. So as long as they don't get used as a reason not to consider change I think they're fine.

  9. Daily reminder that I'm unironically more African than Dad.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Phelphor, of the Deep

      Phelphor, of the Deep

      Can you tell that Nigerian prince to give me back my money please?

    3. Snatch Steal

      Snatch Steal

      Wow this status really blew up

    4. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      Get it yourself your filthy macaw

  10. Might resume the literature stuff soon.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Maeriberii Haan

      Maeriberii Haan

      Alright then, I'll push myself to finish it.

    3. Tourmaline


      At least two other people are interested if I resume this


    4. iarimakousei
  11. what is the easiest way to watch A Dog's Way Home over the internet?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tourmaline


      Calling all mods.

    3. UltimateIRS


      i'm sorry man i don't know how to hack hollywood

    4. ENMaker


      attention GAMERS

  12. Реклоузер РВА-TEL 6(10) КТПНУ и 2Ктпну 25-2500ква, КТП КОМПЛЕКТНЫЕ ТРАНСФОРМАТОРНЫЕ ПОДСТАНЦИИ москва, Производство ктп москва и многое другое - Здесь есть то, что Вам нужно!https://vk.com/club111724259

    1. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      So i am sure you know but be sure not to copy paste any links when you do this

  13. cbd dosage for anxiety mg cannabis oil cbd joing pain best cbd oil for pain - how long does cbd tincture stay in your system cbd dosage calculator

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tourmaline


      I've literaly sacrificed material wealth for enlightenment.

    3. Tourmaline
    4. Ralsei


      cbd dosage for anxiety mg cannabis oil cbd joing pain best cbd oil for pain - how long does cbd tincture stay in your system cbd dosage calculator



  14. tfw I told YCMaker to funk himself and he saw but didn't do anything

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mido9
    3. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      I asked him a question he responded I adked another he didn't :T

    4. ENMaker


      i asked him to make me a mod and he said sure but nothing has happened and i'm thinking the paperwork must just've gotten lost somewhere along the line so if anyone wants to just sort that out i'm up for it still

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