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Headmaster Monokuma

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  1. I appreciate Nintendo using the term free-to-start. It's more honest than free-to-play.

  2. RP Concept under development.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Simping For Hina
    3. Headmaster Monokuma

      Headmaster Monokuma

      That's the hope. It's been far too long since I've attempted to RP.


      And I suppose, Sir Milky.


      And hello Dae. Still trying to get into everyone's pants?

    4. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      Of course I am. Why change something that has been so successful for me?

  3. I've been out of Yugioh for years now, can someone let me know what the current format is like?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Headmaster Monokuma

      Headmaster Monokuma

      I enjoyed Yugioh, but the last time I played was around the time that Frognarchs were still a deck, so it's been a fairly decent while.

    3. ihop


      Oh, wow, yeah, it's been a while. The game is a lot quicker now, but if you can adapt to the change in pace you'll find not all that much has changed.

    4. Headmaster Monokuma

      Headmaster Monokuma

      I'm not surprised about the game picking up speed, I didn't stay entirely out of touch with it. To be honest, I really don't mind the idea that the game is a bit faster, I'm just not sure if I have the patience to learn the best ways to play against the top decks.

  4. It's shaping up to be more interesting than last Halloween's event, at any rate.

  5. My oh my, the mess you all made tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      Reminds you of the lynch mob against me?

    3. Headmaster Monokuma

      Headmaster Monokuma

      Oh I have no love for Sakura and detest his moderation position, but I'm very, very curious to see how well of a case these amateurs can create.


      And thank you, I like your's as well.~

    4. Tourmaline


      They can certainly attempt to pique your curiosity in the manner of many revolts of the vulgar. They work together to realize a temporary anarchy until an understanding of the shallowness of power is found (as the abstract is human and intangible by nature, power is as essentially weak, which causes a gleeful irony. More importantly, they are creating a case out if nothing. Creating something out of nothing is the work of a magician, which none of these people are intelligent enough to be.

  6. We should take Jon Snow and push him somewhere else.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Just Crouton

      Just Crouton

      Push him into a hot place so he'll melt.

    3. TMA-1


      - .... .. ... / .. -.. . .- / .. ... / ... --- ..- -. -..

    4. Thar


      Cut off his nose so that he literally nose nothing.

  7. Today I learned that Mii Brawler is a pretty cool guy.

  8. Urgh, I keep getting security issues on the main page of YCM for some reason, it's getting to be fairly annoying.

    1. Andx


      Been happening to me too. I only say this so you don't go around accusing me of various schemes and such.

  9. ...What the actual f*** is going on with YCM? I log in and I don't even know what I'm seeing right now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Maeriberii Haan

      Maeriberii Haan

      Man, way to drive off a returning member

    3. The Warden

      The Warden

      Eh don't worry about it, Dane rides a revolving door. He'll be back in like, 6 months.

    4. Headmaster Monokuma

      Headmaster Monokuma

      Usually my trip on this side of the revolving door lasts a little longer.

  10. Be glad this is an April Fools prank. The site would be destroyed if I was an admin.

    1. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      You're hardly the worst thing that could happen.

  11. Sonic 06 was a good game.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cherz


      *Holds down desu* Don't murder him! Only 8 year olds thought it was fun!

    3. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd


    4. Cherz


      Dem: 3 years is no difference!


      Must...restrain...looks to sonic 06 being played. *Becomes a hollowed body*

  12. That moment when I'm able to re-experience the joy of playing Super Mario 64 for the first time again.

  13. Team Plasma just has to have that sweet Honey so that they can attract Pokemon in great numbers!

  14. Hellfire... Dark fire...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raine


      @N, That's just destruction though, it's this supposed to be role model good character of a priest being corrupted by edgy themes to make evil decisions. Frollo is far more human and thus, I think, a better villain.

    3. Grunt Issun

      Grunt Issun

      A better villain, yes. But I still think the Huns are more evil as a whole.

    4. Raine


      Clarify that they raped, pillaged, and mutilated and I may agree~

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