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Yang Xiao-Long

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Yang Xiao-Long last won the day on June 9 2011

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About Yang Xiao-Long

  • Birthday 02/08/1993

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  • Location
    The Internet
  • Interests
    Vocaloid, Pacific Rim , etc.

    Huge RWBY fan.

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  1. Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust.

  2. My god, Rooster Teeth, I know you're going pretty dark for RWBY, but to tack on a parental advisory warning on Season 3's episode 7, that's saying something o.O

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jord200
    3. Shradow


      As a company who's well aware of the stupid things that need disclaimers nowadays, they may just be being cautious. Though I haven't seen the episode, so it could actually be that necessary.

    4. Yang Xiao-Long

      Yang Xiao-Long

      The episode is up for sponsors right now; I'll have to wait till tomorrow, though.


      They probably are being cautious, though they did intend on making RWBY a show more for mature audiences. It was most likely just a reminder.

  3. Seasons change; fallen leaves are left to sleep underneath the falling snow.

  4. Sleep is great. Sleep after beating up Grimm is not only great, but much needed. Good night.

  5. Hey, this is Kaito (had a name change because RWBY). I just wanted to say, I miss you. Kinda safe to say that most of us still on YCM (whether regular visitors or sporadic ones from a long ago age) miss you. I hope life is going well for you. I myself just graduated from university. I hope we'll be able to talk again someday. Your fellow Vocaloid fan, Kaito

  6. woah i'm on a list

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yang Xiao-Long

      Yang Xiao-Long

      You have well thought-out posts that contribute much to the topic.

      You also have a sort of soft-spoken aura, but you're also very kind and humble. You mean well.

    3. Kazooie


      ...Oof. That reminds me that I haven't made a constructive post in ages. Like... Nothing.


      I try to be nice, but... It's gotten hard lately. Things have been rough, to say the least. I appreciate the kind words, I really do. How've you been? ^^

    4. Yang Xiao-Long

      Yang Xiao-Long

      I'm doing okay. I just graduated from college, but I got no work lined up outside of part-time, so I still live with my parents.

      I'm just living life one day at a time.

  7. So I figured, why not a name change?

  8. I'm rather surprised I found myself on this site. Must be my nostalgia kicking in after graduating from college. Well, hello there, YCM. It's been a very long time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cherz
    3. Jord200


      Kaito? It has been far too long.

    4. Yang Xiao-Long

      Yang Xiao-Long

      It really has been. I dunno if I'll be back on this site for an extended period of time, though.

  9. The sky is blue, but the forest is green with envy.

  10. "There's no point to the world. But isn't that wonderful? Because if there isn't one, then you can decide what it is for yourself."

  11. ...did Space Dandy just give dem romance feels?

  12. さよなら三角、また来て四角。

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yang Xiao-Long

      Yang Xiao-Long

      It's "Goodbye Triangle, see you square."

    3. Raine


      Figures, I'd get it wrong. I probably should have looked this (角) up.

    4. Yang Xiao-Long

      Yang Xiao-Long

      The translation varies though. I just went with what I gave because that was the one the author gave in an interview.

      It could also mean "Goodbye Triangle, Come again square."


  13. Caught a cold on Friday, but I'm taking some Dayquil to manage the symptoms. The Cold never bothered me, anyway- *shot repeatedly*

    1. Northern Sage

      Northern Sage

      *blows smoke from gun* Not on my watch.

    2. Yang Xiao-Long

      Yang Xiao-Long

      I really do have a cold, though, so thank god for Dayquil.

  14. The world may look a crystal lake, when it's really a black lagoon.

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